3 entries this month
He that lays in the grave beyond
19:54 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 481
To a best friend I couldn't make happy yet you still loved me. To a best friend who was my parnter in crime. Every word you said I will forever burn after this is written. For your sake, my sake, and our future-Grimmy
I never liked hosiptals. They were always weird to be in. The walls and the floors were all white. They smelled like piss, crying babies, newborn infants and death. I guess it was always because of that day I attempted to take my life. I thought ODing on a bottle of pills and heroin would make my life better. I remember you sitting by my side the whole time. You were crying. You cheered me on to recovery. But I still will hate hosiptals. You only gave me a reason to hate them even more now. This case was different. It was your life that was on the line.
Siting in that waiting room was the hardest thing in my life I had to do. And it will be the feelings I never forget. Anxious, nervousness, powerless. I felt miserable knowing you were in surgery while the Angels of life fought for you against the Angel of Death. The Grim Reaper. But they came out and gave the verdict. They said they were unsure if you were to live. I sat there next to your bed and held your hand as you have done to mind. A year before. I sing to you in case you needed to hear the sounds of comfort. But then it came...the sound I never ever wanted to hear.
They rushed in doing all sorts of treatments trying to get you back. I watched and saw the Grim Reaper staring at you with his cold smile because he has taken another soul to gain his power. A voice ringed in my head
"This is what you get. You were suppose to die"
And I knew what he meant. No questions were to be asked. I skipped your funeral because seeing your cold lifeless body would be like cutting a knife to the few pieces I left. I just simply sat in my room and drained myself emotionally of every emotion I never want to feel again. I was a lifeless dead girl. No one will ever understand.
A year has passed down and I try to improve myself. The question that haunts me has finally been answered. "Why?". The answer is because you were selfish. Now you are amongst the soil and graveyards. I won't speak your name for you will become known to me as "He that lays in the grave beyond".
Now that you've got your wish. Let me have mine. Stop haunting me. The necklace you gave me is now buried next to you. I replaced it with a peace sign in hopes of a calmer life.
My only last words to you is. If only I knew you'd blow your head off after you told me you loved me. I would have never been your friend to begin with.
Cut, Burnt, Died, and Reborn
06.30.2012 was marriage day
From the love of your previous life
Weird Shit
17:04 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 483
I want a threesome with you, me and my knife.....OH YES BABY!!!!!
Lets cut those skinny arms and legs off
Turning me on!!
lets fuck that lifeless body of yours
im a creep
I love my dog and fucking hate my neighbors
13:20 Apr 14 2011
Times Read: 511
So yesterday I was walking my dog Cap'n Spaulding. Before I get into the story, let me tell you a bit about him. He's a pure breed Italian Mastiff. 120 pounds and he is only a year old. He still have to gain another 60 pounds and fill out his loose skin. Yes he is a big dog. Yet very lovable and over protective.
So I decided yesterday was a good day to take him for a walk. I walked him around the block and for once he wasn't snapping at anyone. Behold it was too damn good to be true. My neighbors dog decides to come out and pick a fight. Meanwhile I'm trying to hold mines back. As I said before I'm trying to be a better person. I won't sit there and let my dog maul these animals. But so the pussy little dog decides to take a chuck out of my leg. Fuck it, I let my dog have his ass. So now I've got stitches on my leg and I still want to fuck my neighbor for not being responsible enough to look after her dogs.
People if you have dogs you know are wild.
Please keep them in your fuckin yard. Thanks
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11:12 Apr 26 2011
thats sad babe...