Gothlaz's Journal

Gothlaz's Journal


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9 entries this month


17:39 Jul 29 2009
Times Read: 556

So I spoke to a friend yesterday and she sounded totally off. she started out with what to me up to now is the most serious cry for help that she has given me so far, then degenerated into sounding like a completely different person, and a very odd one at that. She was obviously depressed and is in a bad relationship that effects her view of herself. She needs help to get out of it but is unwilling to right now. She isn't ready. I care about her a lot and want her to be happy. The hardest part for me is that she has to be the one to make that choice. Her husband doesn't give her the ability to make choices, and I wont do that to her by trying to make choices for her.




Rant against Tyrany on VR

06:06 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 575

Ok, I have taken to saving codes I use often. Like this font code for example. So a guy gets a system glitch were the system was wacky for about 20-30 min this morning and gets the same message three times. I only sent it to him once.

So he messaged me and asked if I cut and pasted. I told him that I save my frequently used codes and paste them. Also I have my profile saved in notepad on my computer just in case my profile crashes on here.

So the guy gives me a 1 rate and says he is willing to come back for a rerate in the comments section. *Obviously now it was pasted text* and calls me a doushbag!

Now I am pissed, but I will not stoop to revenge rates and bs like that. I message him asking him to rerate my profile on its merits no matter how he feels about me. No rerate and further he blocked me. This guy is the only person to block me.

Now I am an easy going guy that would go out of my way to help someone i just met. Dont even have to be a friend. (Ill post Episode July 4th later) Any way the guy still has his 10.

*Yes if you ever get the ability to understand what being Sire is and are able represent the Sire that your profile is ranked, and read this. I never came back to mess with your page like you did to mine. You know who you are. *

Both of the two people that have given me a 1 are Sires. One has his 10 and blocked me for it.

The other I didn't rate at all as he claimed on his profile it was under construction due to being stalked on here. So I politely messaged him that I would refrain from rating but to please invite me back when he felt his profile was ready to be rated. No message back just a 1 rate.

That off my chest I am off to help my Sire with our wonderful coven. Best wishes to all that read this. Even those that rated a 1.



13:22 Jul 28 2009

Sorry hon, but you got to know to some people on here this is all the life they have, and the only power or control they have in there little lives is here , so just look over them .

14:01 Jul 28 2009

Very eloquently stated!

You have discovered that some vampires have very thin skin. I rarely give out 1s, and usually only do so AFTER someone has blocked me first.

21:08 Jul 29 2009

Poeple are stupid and look for others to trash - that's the way it usually is.

15:26 Aug 11 2009

Don't let it get you down. Some seem to use their Status as a means to intimidate and get over on others. I think I would get upset just as you did; that's the initial reaction. Then after letting the steam off by doing something else for a bit, I will come back , take a deep breth and go on.

Forget the few bad apples; life is too short to let them take up your time. Instead, just think of those who are truly your Friends.


pay day

13:59 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 581

So after tones of hard work and the help of wonderful people I have now amde it into a coven. I made it into the Vita ex Nex coven to be precise.

It was a hard decission because of having to chose between friends as sire but it is done and i am happy.

I have a lot of work to do to help my coven as my coven helped me along with my Mentor to get where I'm at today.

Thanks to all the people that made this happen. Oh, and all you readers of this journal, remeber to thank Cancer and the crew. Without whom we would not exist.




Tiring day but worth it

03:24 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 588

Finally I got my profile in some sembolence of decent shape and got over heretic so I canpost now. Yes! I am now a member of the community. Also I recieved my first protection stamp today. This I feel is such an honor. I feel alot better since orriginally i was on here to avoid the outside world due to my depression. if you have read my past journal entries you sould understand why.




Updating profile

19:45 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 592

So I have spent several hours on here updating my profile and trying to hide from the world. I've been really depressed and time alone isn't really helping. Kind of ironic isn't that.

I need to talk to the manager at a gas station to see if she will give me the job and let me take two weeks without pay to go back to Cali and get my things. I have not a cent and no income coming. I really have to thank the friends I call family for without them I woudn't have a roof over my head and a bite to eat. I love you guys. But please don't tell me its because I would do the same for you. We know thats true but it makes me feel guilty because I can't do it for anyone myself right now. But you do know anything you need that I can give it is yours.




spilling my guts

06:00 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 596

Ok, so heres the deal. I'm in love with a married woman that knows how I feel about her. I have shared everything about my life with her. We talk about everything and yes that means EVERYTHING. The only line we have not crosses is the line sex.

Now the thing is that I would be totally cool with hanging out and not have any issues but for the husband. He is a control freak. She is not alowed out of the house but to go to school. She is only allowed one female friend that she actually cannot stand but it gets her away from him at times. He is emotionally and verbally abusive.(not physically but might be better if he were, i'd get her out of there easier.)

Now the even harder part is that I'm moving out of state and leaving the woman that I have loved the most in my life in a really bad situation. It kills me.





05:31 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 599

Why are all the girls I fall for either married or engaged? I am stuck in the realm of self pitty wanting something that is just out of reach. I hate the fates! they have dangled that ever elusive need in front of me again and I am to honorable to take it.




11:52 Jul 28 2009

awww.. *hugz*



19:59 Jul 11 2009
Times Read: 601

Due to the lack of current employment it made this the perfect time to go back home and visit friends! I am taking the summer in VA to visit the town I chose to call home and true friends that I have known and stayed in contact with for over 20 years! Lots of love Imp.. I'm glad to be here and to call you a friend!




Need to update more I guess

19:55 Jul 11 2009
Times Read: 602

I realized I've been neglecting this portion of my profile! I need to update here more often.

Well. As of May I quit My job at Slaveway (Safeway) because of all the drama and a boss that was't the greatest. since then I have been searching with no luck to find a new job. Thanks to persons not to be named our economy sucks!



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