Gothicstargirl's Journal

Gothicstargirl's Journal


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2 entries this month

A whole bunch of my poetry

00:50 Mar 11 2009
Times Read: 525

Immortal Opposites

Werewolf and Vampire, are not so far apart

The difference is: a beating heart.

I thirst for blood as you crave for food,

You keep away and say that I am no good.

You walk all day, I wait until dark,

In the distance I can hear you, a Werewolf, bark.

You stand in front of me, I listen to your growl

All I give you is a simple scowl.

A battle erupts between Us

Now I realize Peace is a must.

You think I am someone you could never trust.

''Come get me!'' I yell, ''Or maybe you haven't got the guts!''

He charges at me, sweat dripping from His face

I have no fear of him, so I stay in place.

''We are the same, you and I, '' I exclaim.

Thunder booms and it starts to rain...

''You want peace,'' I say, '' I know you do.''

He simply replies,'' I know you want it ,too.''

Suddenly, I'm pinned to the ground,

All around us, there are no other sounds.

''Are you afraid?'' Is the question He asks.

I try to wear the most serious of masks.

His face and mine are only an inch apart,

He's so close I can feel his beating heart.

His lips brush against mine,

As rain continues to fall from the sky.

Peace is what we wanted and now we shall get,

For making this the scene no one in history shall forget.

Opposites Attract

Resentment burns for eternity in the grasp of the Darkness

Benevolence shines in the most brightes of Life's gardens

They are two opposites which make each other whole

Benevolence, the angel, is trying to reach her goal

Resentment, the demon, everyday tries to escape

With Her wings streched afar, Benevolence reaches Hell's gates

She opens the gates and strides through the path

Resentment calls to Her from Darkness's grasp

Benevolence streches Her wings and flies to Resentment's side

As She tries to release Him a realization crosses her mind

Even though He is war, She is His solution: peace

All She had to do to free Him was convince Him to believe

So, She shouts,'' Resentment, look into my eyes!''

It was the only way.He answers with,'' Why must you suggest what I despise?''

He turns his Raven's eyes to Her and hope creeps into his mind

He wondered why all these years he had made himself so blind

The Darkness's hands suddenly turn into dust

Resentment turns around and gives It a look with so much disgust

He had tortured Himself with his own power all of these years

Benevolence saw something slide down his cheek, the slightest of tears

Emotion is one thing He'd never shown, maybe things were finally about to change

She answers to His emotion with a question, '' Are you glad you called my name?''

He gave a nod, '' Hope is now in my life, but that doesn't mean hatred will die.''

She gave Him a smile and She took His hand, maybe She decided He isn't so bad.

The Voice of My Emotions

The voice of Hatred, the moan of Pain

All the misery, who's to blame?

When will all this hatred end?

No matter what these wounds will never mend

The benevolence in our hearts is what we shall believe

Keep having hope until there is relief

Trying to find the Internal Light

Keep on trying with all our might

Always believe do not conceive hate

Find Light, guide her through Life's gate

She will try to stop the hatred, try to stop the war,

She's a role model of Life, she shoots for the stars

Do not live Life as a bleak hole

Do not start war, stride toward your goal

If we stop fighting the world might once again be peaceful

Thanks to Lady Light the world can one day be bright and


Things I Haven't Said

I stand from a distance, admiring you,

I can't help but wonder if you love me too.

You take care of me when nobody's there

You've taken hold of my hand when I was scared.

I watch as you stretch your beautiful wings,

I ponder the thought to tell you these things.

You are My Angel, the love of my life

Take my hand, and help me take flight.

I want you to know that I'll always be there

To comfort you when nobody cares.

You are My Dream that has come true,

All I want is simple: to be with you.

My heart takes flight when you are near,

No matter what happens My Love will remain sheer.

Before I go there is one more thing I need to say:

I shall always love you forever in every single way.

Just to let you know, Opposites Attract has gotten published in,''Immortal Verses.'' It has already gotten copyrighted under my name!




My Poetry

01:31 Mar 10 2009
Times Read: 527


My heart is broken in a million pieces, because of you

I guess I should be dead, there's nothing left foe me to do.

You can put on a smile, and tell me a lie,

But I can still see that you want me to die.

Regret is in your eyes, I can see it, I can!

When I was in trouble, you didn't lend me a hand.

Where were you when I needed you?

Was I simply too much to deal with, too much to do?!

I guess your life will continue to revove around yourself,

While I continue my journey deep into the depths of Hell.

My heart is still breaking, I can't handle your lies,

You grab ny shoulders and yell,''I don't want you to die!''

Do you mean it with your heart? Do you mean it with your life?

If I looked at your face would I see truth in your eyes?

Maybe I will try to live my life a little longer,

And who knows? Maybe my heart will get stronger.

Who am I kidding?! One wrong step and I'll die!

You don't believe me? Just try me, Just try...


Love is something that I will never know,

When things get difficult, you turn around and go.

You forgot all about me, and left me in the darkest part of your mind,

You didn't even take a second look at the tears in my eyes.

Maybe I should forget you, like you forgot me,

But then you'd be remembered as the boy I cannot see.

What should I do? What should I say?

I know that you are regretting being alive every single day.

I want to take a blade and slide it across my veins,

Then maybe, just maybe, I'll forget all of my pain.

I hate this so much...

Why am I telling you? You don't give a fuck!

You left me alone in the darkness, like you didn't even care,

All you left me with was the memory of your hateful glare.

So, as you leave I'll take out a blade and put it at my veins,

You stop walking, turn around and say,'' Don't do that! Are you insane?''

Maybe I was, but I could no longer take your lies,

I cut my veins and stayed away from you, so that I'd be able to take my life.

I took my own life, yes, because you didn't care,

But don't feel bad, the story doesn't end there.

He takes the blade, and he too cuts his veins,

Now he understood the pain I'd gone through, oh the pain!

Don't stop reading this yet,

But yes, he did write his own death.

That same night, they were found,

People thought that because of love, their fate was bound.

But they were wrong, oh yes, they were!

But now in the afterlife, to him I am no longer a memory that's a blur.

Now, I am the light of his life,

Yes, he WAS the reason I died.

But now we are together, and that's all that matters,

Because now things can't really get badder.

The End


A shattered heart is what I have,

To tell you the truth, I'm almost always sad.

I can smile, and I can laugh,

But I will still, of course, feel bad.

I can love, and I will cry,

Because I'll still wan't to die...

I have tears in my eyes,

You sit down next to me and ask if I'm alright.

''Yeah, I'm fine.''

But, you know that's just one big lie.



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