There in a dark alley there was a girl watching her prey.She watched for hours untill the young girl slept.She entered her room making no noise what so ever.As she crept to her victum she heard a noise.It was her old friend Vyktor.
"Vyktor why are you here?"she asked.
"Because she's my next victum"
"No way! I saw her first she's mine"
"Fine I'll get her brother then"
"Ok u have this wench!!!"
She left out of the room and disappeared into the night.Later on that night she saw him again going after a teenaged boy.She thought to herself"I have to find a way to get him to stop this madness"Her stomache growled.She began her journy down the street to find Vyktor down on the floor."Vyktor!!!! Are u ok?"
"Are you ok Vyktor??"
"I'm ok i think"
"What happend?"
"I don't remember"
"Can u stand?"
"I'm not sure" he said weakly.
"Here,take my hand"
"No I'm ok."he got up and flew away from her.
"Typical"she said the next thing she knew she flet a sharp pain in her back."Ahh What the??? what's going on???" Then Vyktor came down "are you ok Hikaru??"
"I'm fine,Just get me out of here."
To Be Continued.