Some useful things to know about vampires
(...) The Vampire half-earthly, half-otherworldly creatures who feed on blood. Since ancient times people living in the imagination. Perhaps now that a very, very primitive ősközösségben tabuvá one of cannibalism, and the prohibition on harmful things, evil, appearance is repulsive, causing horror figures transferred to the budding of human fantasy. Initially, the vampires are mostly similar to those of animals, and these concepts were still living. Goya's drawings of reptiles, amphibians and rats, both in their sleep like szörnyállatkák attack the defenseless hajadonokat.
But just as the myths and tales that usually happens, this pattern is more connotation heart is upset, contact with other beliefs, jelentésvilága richer. It is obvious that sooner or later vámpírhitnek contact had come to the cult of the dead, the other world, life after death képzetekkel formed. The corpse, which haunt me, for revenge or just loved to visit his grave hatch is easy to learn the tricks of vámpírmesterség, the more so because of something only dead, it must live. United is the myth of the dead return and vérivásnak the moment, however, the latter - as we have seen - there was even more alone. The blood-sucking állatlények myth is probably the blood-sucking insects táplálhatta (poloskákkal, szúnyogokkal, kullancsokkal) against the instinctive repulsion.
Friedrich Murnau: Nosferatu the Vampire mystery-mystery night looking for her unsuspecting victim, who is usually a woman, because she is very weak and vulnerable. The daemon is usually the victim's neck sebesíti, from soaking up the "Elixir of Life." The blood is fed to the mean demonic beings, the power of the people living in vitalitásából exhausted, and while he is again charged, the victim elgyöngül, perhaps it is utterly destroyed. Thus the myth is a symbolic fölfogható: embodies the thriving at the expense of other people. The mindless exploitation is still a "kiszipolyozás" word mark and say a cruel tyrant, that sucks the blood of his subjects. And this is based on the fair can be a proof of Dracula is a historical attachment to the person: voivod of Wallachia, Vlad Dracul, was allegedly taken to eating ate impaled drawn from among the victims. Elizabeth Bathory, or attributed to a wealth of horrific torture. Modern literature is often the case, the ancient symbol for this. Death August Strindberg's drama thus characterized by a main character, Edgar's wife: "You know the natural history of vampires! They say about them is that each one of the dead soul of a living body is looking to élősködhessék liking it. ... Edgar is dead us ever since he fell to the ground. There is no longer personal interests, not the individual's life, it is not initiating force. But when you get into the hands of a living man, it settles, beléereszti szívócsápjait and live virulni starts. Now it's sitting! " Strindberg in another drama, the cook Kísértetszonátában vampire appears: "No go! Not we have it! ... Do not you see that is consumed and waste away ?..."
The vampire legend is a suppressed impression is táplálhatta, according to which man can only prolong their life as if it takes away from another part of his life.
The elmondottakból jelentésárnyalat follows another: the violent subjugation of another people's individuality, or even paralysis of the will of sexual possession. Even the Chaldeans was considered to have a sexual relationship vérszívás a form, and Roman mythology, Lami, that is, evil fairies, and vampires were in love in one person. The voluptuousness of romance, however, especially since the modern age has become an integral part of vámpírmotívum.
The different ages of religious ideas etched in blood-sucking demons mythology. The effect of the three aspects of Christian faith can be demonstrated. The first is that the demons of religion adversary, Satan, the evil of the children should be considered. The vampire, the devil take up a secular form. No wonder then that the signs of the cross, the feszülettől, amulettől worn in the neck, sometimes mentioning the name of Jesus or Mary occupied the vampire fright and scampered away. The postmortem vámpírlét also a form of penance or the perdition became. The sin of deceased evil people did not rest in the grave, kísértőként körüljárnia be the devil in a new recruiting new victims.
Friedrich Murnau: NosferatuMásrészt vérszívás of the communion, the sacrificial travesztiája merger. A blood-grouping of the mythical ancient notion of humanity as well as for all common act of Blood. But the ordinance of Christian communion wine is the man of God and accept him into véreként account. So finally, is closely related to the victims of the notion of redemption, because of the evil blood-sucking demons to kill an innocent, weak and self-sacrifice of a woman when he surprises the vampire of the dawn, and it indicates crow.
The modern age is an important agent in the colored motívumkört: the passage of time will not be on the demons, eternal necessities live their lives. This idea of the Christian religion is there: the sufferings of infernal damnation for ever kept; the modern view, however, does not focus on suffering, but also the stability of circular bored, pitter-patter of uninterrupted one place, the lack of change.
(...) The vámpírtéma fölélesztését an external factor is justified. The silent film was looking for a spectacular szüzséket good sense, the images evoked strong emotional impact. They're there for those who have before us the pictures projected on the darkness of light and shadow phenomena compared to the dream, and feel, this is strictly against the primacy of rationality is shocking, primary sensory and emotional impressions, and sometimes they are deeply ivódnak to be remembered as a conscious experiences gained . "It is certain that the written and did not express the poetry of the ghostly, demonic, supernatural phenomena such force as the movie. Because the voice of the human mind works, even the mysterious, mystical spells, orphikus Text is not 'supernatural', more than incomprehensible. Thus, the human is incomprehensible becomes an incomprehensible: it is a part. The human mind is self-defense. But even the sight can be understood and clear, if incomprehensible. And that is something that the hair fiber is available to burn. " It seems that the film are extremely suitable for a medium megfogalmazhatatlan words, it has not become conscious projection of a general malaise. The scientist and sociologist by key strokes later, "it was in the air", and the filmmakers of this létállapotnak guessed it was equivalent to the expression of a loyal, dramatic and visual form.
"Hold your tongue, because it is a vampire and eat!" Keeps saying the Moldavian Prut named district in which this ijesztgették the bad kids. What is a vampire?, So that we can respond to the most: the dead, whose body is not are dismissed; in the devilish man, who was not welcome in the land, who was rushed to the tomb of the Devil; félördög, beast, or a dog or cat, which jumped over the dead carcass over.
The vampires, or upirokat Serbian and Romanian moroikat, strigoikat, easy to recognize, if you know how. This method, the witch-hunt at the time, much was known all over Europe: at night, in cemeteries, black horse was led through a round the graves, and when the horse stopped short of a grave before, he did not want to jump, then there was a damned soul. Another sign of evil, if you dipped the top of the grave, as the vampire has left. You might also recognize from the Vampire, where the dead man (vampire), her body remained intact, and their hair, nails renewed. This of course only be able to see if you dug up the corpse.
If you already know the feltudjuk vampyrokat, it does not hurt to know when to keep them, or when they appear.: Most of the night, at midnight until dawn.
This house goes from being semi-satanic acts, to visit family members still live, relatives, and most enemies, and talk with them, as if still alive would be. Notably, the virgin, virgin girls are fond of, and seize it, the tomb of elfogyaszthassa them later, but the window is able to suck people's souls and blood.
After all, most, if only to act in our minds, how to rid of these ill-élőlényektől. This is a bit complicated, but feasible, but it should be a lot of garlic (in soups, dishes, windows, doors, pocket, and even where you almost can), and the main tölgyfakaró, but if it is not handy, you can take a skewer . In today's Romania, anno, were found in villages where there is no content with a single stake, but just three of the grave is stuck. The head, stomach, and heart tájékába. This method is quite humane compared to that there were villages where the devil dug sírhalomból thought dead, he cut off his head, the heart of wine is boiled, sometimes cut crescent.
Now a new thought in our heads férkőzhet: But if they act, then we are not better than carrying the devil, because although we do so as he. Indeed! Drakulánál not carry or right, who is a "vampire patriarch" was. Or maybe it is ours, sírkiásó, cooking heart, claw döfködő people?
Because this is a slight exaggeration. As for us, I mean, as Dracula, or Vlad Tepes was even more cruel. Even the name is also testified by: Vlad Tepes, that is harmful or Karóbahúzó Vlad.
However, before kitérnénk horrors of his actions, then we need to understand the historical facts.
Wallachia, geographical location, therefore, already in the XIV. A study of the Hungarian crown and the Ottoman Turkish Empire, intertwined with the Hungarian was forced to balance between the King and the Sultan.
Sigismund (1387-1437) King of Hungary by leaving the task to pick a fight against the Turks.
Mircea cel Bặtrîn (Mircea the Old), 1386-1418, reigned from Snowy plains above. Vlad's son, who grew up in the court of Sigismund, in 1431, joined the Societas Dracinisbe Nuremberg, a member of Dragon Company. The members wear the cross and the dragon symbol, and only the dragon. Vlad himself bore the dragon symbol, so the name was attached to the additional name of Dracul. Later, his son, Vlad Tepes also inherited the name, so he became Dracula.
Dracula's father, King Sigismund in 1437 - was helped to the throne, but Vajda in 1437 - was invading Turks forced to recognize the sovereignty of the Sultan. His sons and himself, Dracula and Radu Mircea elfogadtatta is the Sultan. Dracula's castle and his brother were taken Egrigöz, which acquired the Turkish battle modes, the hadseregszervezést and tricks of warfare.
Their father escaped the meantime, and again with the Hungarian king Władysław I (1440 - 1444),'s side, but in 1448 was captured and beheaded rivals.
Snowy Plains, the new ruler II. Vladislav, who left the throne of the Battle of Kosovo, and by taking advantage of Vlad Dracul, aka Dracula in autumn 1448 took the throne, but the return Vladislav ousted. However, the 1456th 22 July in Belgrade after winning the battle hostile boyars killed, making the second start with Vlad Dracul reign 1456 - 1462 - up.
The dependence voivod double legacy: was both a vassal of the Turks and Hungarians as well. The Turks captured by life so greatly influenced the young monarch. To consolidate his power, was constant fear of the country.
For example, a newspaper published in 1500 as a guest of the Prince invited all the country's nobles and powers, and asked them how many Snow-Plain vajdára remember. None of the guests did not hit the exact number, some ötvenről others harmincról talk, but think of Dracula week, as the family-house, that's all been Drặculeşti throne. Dracula and impaled punishment of five hundred mattress and cover, but historians have suggested that this number up to fifty million.
Michael Behe, German knight and poet, about the 20th 000 people in the death of the Irish, who pulled impaled.
"... Pity and without remorse killed them ... The country has one corner to another, the disobedient blood evaporated." Ispiresen Type Petre, Romania mesegyűjtő.
The voivod the poor have been less sympathetic. Some German historians write that Dracula is collected, the country's koldusait, bélpoklosait öregeit and to feast them. A huge wooden building tereltette the crowd, where he asked them:
- "Do you want this to you all earthly sorrow and megszabadítsalak ínségtől?"
They obviously wanted to, but not in the way he thought of Dracula, as he set fire to their building.
The Russian story of Dracula on one occasion he ordered the executions after that lunch is served under the impaled corpse húzottak up ... The food was one of the waiters could not bear the smell dead, his hands over his nose and turned away, it still can not see förtelmeket EME.
Vlad, however, asked him:
- What is it?
- VIP, I can not stand this smell! "- Said the servant.
Dracula is impaled him on this mattress and cover:
The high-stakes raised, and the smell so you do not get to you!
It is true that surviving writings that Vlad Tepes may have tens of thousands of thousands of people impaled húzatott, was slain, but those numbers have to accept a reservation, because the XV. century demographic conditions, these data are compared to almost unimaginable.
Already since the late 1450's, spread across Europe, the German-Saxon narratives Dracula's deeds. First by word of mouth, eventually, be in writing. These tracts or újságlapok, which voivod kegyetlenségeiről said, were written entertainment purposes, and woodcuts were added. The current state of knowledge, the earliest surviving edition of these leaflets, printed in 1485 over Bartholomeus Gotha Lübeck. This letter is only six incunabula, and the only known copy of the Szechenyi Ferenc library.
Meanwhile, the Turks still pressed forward, toward the capital of Vojvodina, where a terrible sight, Dracula "garden" they were received. L. Kalkokodülész 17 as stage length and width of stage 7, drew about 20,000 impaled Turkish corpse had met their eyes.
The army held its II. Sultan Mehmed as well, and Dracula's brother Radu, who is good diplomatic sense, even with the help of voivod spanking Matthew (1458-1490) is spanned, and incited against his brother, so the king issued the warrant.
The charge: treason. A 1462nd November 7 letter from the Sultan Vlad apologized and asked for help. According to historians, this letter is false, but the king justified his actions with the Pope.
The Királykőnél caught Vajda, and her body moved to Buda and Visegrád, where 12 years he was in captivity.
Dracula was released in 1474 and also re-baptized and pledged to King Matthias, so the king was restored to the throne in 1476. You no longer kegyetlenkedett only obeyed, even in Lübeck incunabula is good and a lot of good to become a Christian.
We do not know the exact details of the death, but the Duke of Milan's ambassador in February 1477 letter he writes Day, Vlad Tepes was cut into pieces, and even around. 400 people were killed with him. Antonio Bonfini that the Turks were killed, and his head was sent to the Sultan.
Anyway kegyetlenségeiről died in the infamous monarch, played a major role both in history and literature, and later, in the film world as well.
Books, plays, novels inspired by the hundreds of Romanian voivod. One of the most famous novel written by Bram Stroker, Dracula, Count atrocities team, which was published in 1897. The work has largely contributed to the formation of Arminius Armin Hungarian orientalist, who has lectured to many of London, where he has repeatedly talked about the Wallachian prince Vlad Tepes, Drakuláról.
The voivod's actions not only inspired books, but movies too. In the 1930's onwards, especially in the United States, deal with Dracula (vampire) - stories. In 1931, T. Browing director made the first Dracula movie starring Bela Lugosi, Bela Blaskó ie, who emigrated from Hungary to the States. Lugosi played a key role in 1935, the film is a sign of the Vampire, and the 1943 return of the vampire as well.
Lugosi, a well-established that the vampire films, is now turning into a cult-films themselves, and is still very popular. Mozisiker such as the 1994's Interview with the Vampire in 2004 - and Van Helsing, or 2003 - Underworld as well.
Of course, there is no interest in those szupermozik, best-selling books, the proceeds, but at least we know that there was Dracula, even the former lived in Hungary, he had no small role, becoming a true world-famous, Vlad Tepes had done this to yours.