The Soul I have I wonder if it is mine.? I ponder all day and think all night? This Soul I have is it mine? This Soul I have is it one of a kind. I feel like I am alone. But yet I feel like I should belong. I feel the need for more and want for less. I feel like what is mine is for now. Because all I have earned in my life will be taken from me in a Blink off a Eye if a Chance would arise. So is this Soul I have truely mine. Is this one just one of kind? I long for the Night so I can be Free. I long for the Night so no one can see. I long for the Night so I can be. I long for the night when the one that has made me. To come and take my hand. I long for the time he takes me by my Hand and leads me to the other Land. So you see what we think is ours ? is not. So I ponder is this Soul all I got ? Come my Maker and set me Free and let me go to the Night where I should be.