In the night sky, there stands
The moon in all its glory
The beauty of the moon
Captured the hearts of man and beast
And yet, the moon's beauty has a price
On the other side, there stands
Impact craters that the moon sustains
From eons ago when the moon was young
And now the moon has hide
It's scarred side from the eyes
Of all that inhabited the Earth
So when you look into the night sky
Remember the scarred beauty that is the moon
When the universe has just formed
Mass bodies of rock roam through space
Some time passed and these rocks
Eventually start to collide with one another
From this process, the Earth is born
And from the remains came the Moon
The two have always been together
The mother and the daughter
And yet, sadness is in store
For the moon is starting to move
Away from Mother Earth
Weep, weep the Earth will cry
And the moon will do the same
Cruel destiny of planets and moons
To come and separate the mother and the daughter
Every night, the beast will stare
At the moon that's in the air
Try and try in the hope
To grasp the moon that which shines bright
But time and time again, it will fail
For the moon is too far for the beast's claws
Sadness beyond all, the beast stares
At a lake and what should it find
But the moon that it wishes to have
Filled with joy, the beast will leap
Into the lake in its quest to have
The moon that has captured the beast's heart
But that will too end in vain
For what the beast sees is just a reflection
Of the moon that shines bright in the sky
The beast once again looks into the sky
And there it stands, the moon in its glory
The moon that shines in the beast's eyes
i like it.
this is very well written, very good first attempt. Please don't get discouraged. it is truly good
thank you for the kind comments. ^^
18:55 Apr 15 2011
this is quite lovely. the moon is a very good motivator for wonderful poetry