GalFriday's Journal

GalFriday's Journal


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7 entries this month

03:42 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 494

It's my brother's birthday next week. I'm paying a buddy to knit him a Cosby sweater Macbook cozy with a tiny pudding cup and "Ya see?" in the corner. I'm basically the best sister of all time. Basically.




01:49 Sep 22 2011
Times Read: 514

Ladies, I'm disappointed in you. Youth and beauty don't always go hand in hand but when they do it is not a crime. Yes, I understand and whole-heartedly agree that inner beauty is supreme but allow me a minute to address the outer. How dare you automatically reject the legitimacy of the existence of another based purely on your own insecurities. Beautiful things are supposed to be looked at, appreciated, beauty should add a lightness and fervor to your day that would otherwise be lacking, be it an orchid or a pretty face. Being beautiful and young should not engender a sense of inadequacy or guilt and shame on you for allowing jealousy and cattiness to justify your despicable behavior.

The other day one of my regulars, Jo Anne, came into the store. Jo Anne is one of the most cheerful, pleasant customers that frequents the joint so she will always get extra attention from me and my milk steamers. Often, I'll have her drink set up just the way she likes it before she even hits the door (if I have time to look out the window and see her car pull up). We're all smiles and belly-laughs when Jo Anne comes in. Oh yeah, and the woman is also a young, knockout natural beauty.

Now, on this particular day I had just rung up a couple of middle-aged but still fairly attractive ladies and sent them to end of the counter to wait for me to set up their drinks (my 'steamer was at the bank). I took Jo Anne's order before I finished up their lattes (as protocol, and common sense dictates, her drink is an simple one and I hadn't yet left the register), I set up her drink and put it at the end of the line before I got back to theirs, the whole transaction took no more than a minute and they still got served first. My 'steamer came back while I was still making the lattes and chatting up the ladies (it keeps the mood light and helps the customers forget about the wait), he saw Jo Anne and started prepping her drink and playfully gabbing with her. Since I was close I heard the older ladies scoff at each other and loudly proclaim that had they put on their tramp lipstick and pushup bra they would have gotten better service too. They looked very pleased with with themselves for their "wit."

First thing's first, Jo Anne has never come dressed provocatively to the store. Yes, she has a nice figure but she doesn't flaunt it, in fact her usually high neck/hemlines speak to an absurd insecurity about it. After the rude remarks from these older "ladies" I'm not surprised why, I have a feeling this was not a one time thing. Luckily Jo Anne was too distracted by the banter to hear.

Secondly, I pride myself on my quick, friendly customer service and was insulted on both of our behalves at the the comment but that's a rant for another day. Quickly all of the drinks where set up and sent out and everyone left smiling (or smirking).

Jo Anne came into the store again today after my shift and we chatted while we both waited for our drinks (hey, working in a coffee shop you get a little addicted), during our conversation I noticed a short coed in an even shorter skirt standing in line behind us look her up and down and sneer, rolling her eyes. I'm so tired of this behavior. Being thin with a decent chest I've been known to get a few snide remarks myself but somehow knowing how unwarranted those ugly thoughts are when directed at my pretty, smiley regular it makes me all the more disgusted. Come on, Ladies, you're better than this. Beauty is not to be revered but neither does it entitle the beholder to ostracize the wearer. Appreciate and be happy for the existence in this all too often ugly world and move on. I know my sentiment will fall mostly on deaf, jaded ears but if you agree with me please, tell someone that they're beautiful. I guarantee the glow in the smile you'll receive will exceed the loveliness of their features and add to the store of beautify for all of us.



02:23 Sep 22 2011

I understand where you're coming from. But on the other side, I know a lot of us "average people" just feel plain jealous.

I used to be that way. Not anymore. I know I'm pretty, beautiful, in my opinion. But I also accept that society and the general public doesn't think so, because I'm chubby. My mindset used to be, "It's not fair. I'm not less beautiful than the skinny girls, so why do I get treated so?" and I was jealous. That's what it is, jealousy. Until you come to terms and just love yourself you can't see the beauty in others.

I've learned to see the beauty in everyone, too. Not just those that fit the criteria set before us that dictates beauty. But the characteristics in every person's aesthetics that makes them, truly pretty. These women haven't come to truly love themselves yet. I feel sorry for them.

11:35 Sep 22 2011

And this ... this ... is wh I have you on my favorite journals list.

21:23 Sep 22 2011

Thank you, Requiem. :) I reread it and was horrified at the errors but they're ones that I think most people can wade through and past to get at my meaning. I don't want to sacrifice comments on the alter of Grammar.


22:08 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 521

My first thought when encountering night joggers on the bridge should not be, "oh God, Zombies!" When is this adult thing supposed to kick in again? I think I'm doing it wrong.



23:39 Sep 20 2011

Heh. They could be zombies. o.o

Better safe than sorry.

01:23 Sep 21 2011

You're just staying ready.

Ever vigilant.

Good job.


09:13 Sep 13 2011
Times Read: 536

After all these years, shunned. I can't say that I'm shocked. Let it be noted, respecting an opinion is not the same as agreeing with it.

For years a good friend (so I'd thought) had believed that I was the same ardent Christian woman that she loudly and frequently proclaimed herself to be. I am very much not. I am, however, comfortable enough in my own beliefs that I don't feel the need to defend them when presented with those of others that happen to be contradictory. I will voice them if asked but other than under that condition I don't feel it necessary to diagram my belief system for others, it is mine for a reason.

All I ask is that my choice to not to believe be respected as being just as legitimate as hers to do so. I don't remind her that her body will be worm chow when the last synapse fades, I would rather not be assaulted with renaissance depictions of the fiery bowels in which I will absolutely be waling if I don't immediately bow down and mutter to myself in front of the same hunk of marble that she does. I understand the pull to want to give someone truth in this crazy, mixed up world but I'm not lost, I "know" where I'm heading-just as adamantly as she "knows."

Now, I'm not against religion, without it a lot of good, good people would be very lost, but I am against the idea that believing gives you the right to automatically reject the views of others for sake of "saving" them. No means no, accept that.

I am also very much against the idea that someone's creed (or lack there of) defines them and should be the primary rule of character. I'm the same person I was before, back when I was a "good, Christian woman," perhaps my motives are of a slightly different origin than she originally thought but that doesn't make them any less pure.

She spent the better part of a day first, offended that I had "deceived" her for so long (until I think she got tired of me reminding her that it wasn't my fault that she had taken it for granted that I felt the same as her and that had she asked instead of assuming I would have told her outright), then trying to sell me on The Good Word. I listened for a while, when she paused long enough to get a polite word in I told her that, while I appreciate her concern for my soul, I simply feel differently than she does and that isn't going to change. I've done my research, quite extensively in fact, I've done the whole church thing on a multitude of levels and it is not for me. I'm happy for her that she has found something to bring her joy but for me, that faith does not. It would be hollow if I tried and that is a monstrous thing, a leech on a perfectly good existence, something too precious to waste on appeasing nonsensical guilt thrust upon by others and the base terror of looming mortality. As I expected, my sentiment was greeted with a brief, annoyed stare and the coaxing continued. Clearly I hadn't understood before but she was going to make sure I "knew" exactly what she "knew."

With all this "knowing" going on it seems clear to me that the only ones who actually do are those who understand that anything they believe is probably wrong but chose to do so anyway because it's the thing that makes the most damned sense to them. But perhaps, once again, I'm wrong. I've been known to be so.



13:18 Sep 13 2011

... I truly do dislike when people do that.

If they do not think their actions are pouring their belief system out for all to see anyway - as they honestly should be, warts and all - then what good does a person think mere words will do?


03:24 Sep 04 2011
Times Read: 551

"I don't know if you're making gun noises or sneezing out there! But either way: Knock it off! ... and, gesundheit."- My Rude(?) Neighbor. They were gun noises. It seemed the only logical solution to end the staring contest with the rockabilly from across the parking lot. Yeah, you're a good looking cat but I've got places to be, Chief!




02:03 Sep 04 2011
Times Read: 557

"S** can usually be found beneath something unfortunate."- I just found out that this is how my mother describes my love life. Thanks, Ma.



02:30 Sep 04 2011

o.O Is it bad that the culmination of this thought made me giggle?

02:35 Sep 04 2011

I do it all for the giggles, nothing is truly awful if you get a good story out of it. So, no, if my "unfortunate" choices can bring about a chuckle then I'm happy. :)


Every time I see a Ford Focus I remember that...

01:59 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 563

You are the cat turd at the bottom of the sand box, we acknowledge and ignore your existence with mild disgust and supreme disdain.



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