Frucissiere's Journal

Frucissiere's Journal


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42 entries this month

01:22 Dec 31 2007
Times Read: 604

so tomorrow is new years eve... what will i be doing you ask?

absafuckinlutely nothing....

im going to be spending it alone....

my uncle will be ditching me to go chill with his friends... thats all good i don't blame him either, nor feel bad about it, i really don't have many friends besides from work, and they're all working until like 2am, and i have no..."signifiacant other", its a strange feeling knowing ill be ushering the new year alone... for the first time in 4 years.... very peculiar.

i don't know what im going to do, i don't have money for alcohol... god damned bills, and i have no one to spend it with... ill prolly end up going to bed early... how fuckin sad is that.... *sigh*


anyway today was aiight, worked as usual, got a new guy in and he's a fellow football player so we had some stuff to talk about, but everyone is still like 4 years younger then me... wtf.

and i have come to a desicion... i think... well i haven't fully decided yet.... but im thinking about staying at wendys.. well putting up with it, until i pay off my debt and then going to school, and getting my culinary and restaurant management degree's, then go to work in a factory or something until i have enough money for my bar... eh dreams.... we'll have to see what the new year brings.... oh yeah i gotta get a gym membership in the new year.... damn.

anyway ill talk to you later.




? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

02:42 Dec 30 2007
Times Read: 610

why would a girl want a tank when they could have a porshe?

sorry incoherant banter..... not enough alcohol...... *sigh*





02:25 Dec 30 2007
Times Read: 612

the dog with the loudest bark is no threat, but when a quiet dog is anger...

watch out.

i almost got into a physical confrontation today, i was working and i had a really bad headache, well i still have a bad headache, and well this guy was just trying his best to piss me off, everything he could, then he started talking shit about me and how he would kick my ass, and all this shit, normally i would walk away because i am better then that but the rage built up inside of me and i did my best to fight it until.... the fucker hit me with a cheeseburger..... i spun around gripped him by his shirt and with one hand lifted him off the ground and staring at him in the eyes i told him....

"seriously fuck off, i am not in the mood to deal with you incoherant adolesant banter, if you want we can go outside and ill shut you up the hard way, or you can go about your shit..." and i let him drop.

it gave me a strange satisfaction to watch him scamper away almost speed crawling.... Lynn told me that if it was anybody else i did it to she'd write me up but he had been pissing her off for sometime now... so yeah my day was good.




15:47 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 615

another day come another day gone, sorry i didn't write last night the computer was messed up...

anyway i leave for work in like 5 minutes so i gotta keep it short and sweet... lol.

anyway, yesterday... well i worked quite obviously, then i came back to find out the phone bill for december came in... O_o... you were right $200 i owe plus the sixty from the beginning of the month... lol argh....

i hooked up my flag that boo got me before i left gome, and a couple of my sports medals, just to make my room a bit more comfy... and im thinking that after i pay off my bills i might look into a bachelor apartment as they are only like $400 a month... which would work rather nicely into my budget...

christina is coming back in like 4 days, i hope everything works out........

and alot on my mind, but its good because i have the desire in me now, and the strength to deal with it and not allow it to effect my mind in a bad way... so awesome, i'll figure some stuff out, and ill be all good.

anyway gotta run...




06:09 Dec 28 2007
Times Read: 618

today was in a good way.... stressful.

i feel so good after being able to get my fire under control, i haven't felt it in soo long....

and now i feel somwhat fuller... complete as if something that was missing has been returned to me.

and work was great, and there are only 4 days left in this year, sadly only 2 left before my premium membership expires....

but how much fun was it while i had it... one of the best gifts ever.

and another bit of badnews, someone that has become a very close friend to me here on VR is leaving soon... very sad, i will miss the conversations and kind words....

~what you said will always be with me~

anyway i get up for work in like 6 hours so unfortunately i must be off...

goodnight world.




06:19 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 621





i don't know.....

04:53 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 624

i don't know what to do now.... anymore.

i know my worth, and i have a new sence of pride, i have alot of love to share... but no one to share it with...

i have un knowingly release my flame that i have held back for years i can feel it buning inside of me again...... the feeling fills me with strength and yet a shot of fear aswell, when i before i learnt to surpress it, i was a very strong person, willing and striving, but i was also very defending of my family, my honour and my love, to a very... physical degree....

i love someone.... hell you all know, i love Christina, and would give anything to be with her. But when i got drunk last saturday and her party i was talking with one of her friends, someone who i came to call a friend actually... now i find out that he told christina something that we talked about supposedly then... which is strange because i told her everything we talked about.... so now my honour has been called into it, either he has lied or twisted my words, because i said nothing that night i have not told her already.....

as i said before i don't know.....




I Have Never

03:31 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 630

i have never lied to you about anything, and i have never been dishonest or dishonourable.

my love is true, my feelings give me the strength i have now.

my greatest sorrow was that i was involved when i met you.... with the wrong person.... but fate changed that slightly.

I AM a stronger person since i have met you, found someone who i can see myself in.

someone that i could do almost anything for.

in my life i have been bewidded and knocked down, spat at and hurt... but now i statnd tall i see my worth and i know who i am, i strive my life to be Strong, Honourable, Respectful, and to have Pride in my self, friends, and family.


you know me and you know i have never given reason to not be trusted.

but i tell you now if when you tell me what he said, if he has tarnished my honour wrongfully... for the first time in and overdue amount of time i will defend it, Fully.




02:40 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 632

i haven't felt like this in a LOOONNNGGGG time, its not sad.... its not happy..... its... anger...

and as i said before i haven't felt like this in a long time... if my honour has been falsely tarnished..........

thats all i can say...





22:13 Dec 26 2007
Times Read: 634

aha i only worked 4 hours but get paid for eight, greatest invention in the world... awesome.. plus i found out i get paid for christmas and christmas day... which i didn't work at all... boo freakin yeah, anyway....

work was kinda slow not many people, but.... while i was at my parents house i picked up my mp3 player, and i was wearing it all day, listeneing to the greatest line up of all time....

Timbaland, Atreyu, Protest the Hero, Tom Petty, Bon Jovi, Ludacris, and the same techno song i got on my profile, to name just a few, lol... omg the randomest selection... whoa.

yeah today was good......

anywho lets see what the night brings.... i gotta re-arrange my room i suppose.... ugh.

= )




08:05 Dec 26 2007
Times Read: 639

well i just got back to st.thomas after a great two days with my brothers, and parents, and a gathering for christmas dinner at my aunts house.

even though i fully expected nothing, i got some clothes, from my parents and grandparents, my brothers got me a badass lanturn, with three touch levels, and my parents got me another dragon for my collection... booyeah, it so awesome, he sits there holding a shield and a sword dressed in golden armor, and has a switch that when pressed causes the fire infront of him to glow and change colour.... just awesome.

I was happy also i was able to get my family something for christmas, i got my brothers a shirt and a hoody each, and a set of video games... resident evil, to share, for my parents i got them a wine cooler, and my dad a little somethin else a video game kinda like the sims only he's the head coach of a football team.... so yeah... and i still have some money for bills and such.

for my mom's extra because she doesn't like alot of stuff but quality time, i forced myself to stay up and watch her favorite christmas movie, 'It's A Wonderful Life' which i must say is a very good movie... i like it alot.

My brothers and i chilled joked around.... and um... tussled, lol, so much fun. and then this morning me and my dad played the game i got him, i might have to get it it looks like fun... anyway, my mom the future chef of a restaurant made a nice spread last night, Chicken Quasadilla's, this spiced Chicken nuggets filled with a very nice cheese, nacho's (badass by the way) and a hell of alot of "home made candies" caramels, peanut butter cups, toffee, just thinking about it all is givin me another stomach ache... and then the turkey dinner tonight... whoa... turkey, stuffing, turnip and carrot, squash, mashed potatoes..... mmmmmm......

and we all sat around having tornaments on the wii, baseball... bowling... golf... (i am the champion, of the golf tourney, lol) and my moms homemade double chocolate cheesecake with brownie bottom instead of grahm crumble....oooo, and yeah that was to get back for the yorkshire pudding the otherday... just think of the chocolatey goodness.... mwahahahahahahaha = )

but yeah it was fun... tomorrow back to work... but i look forward to new years, and then christina coming back on the 2nd.

anyway i prolly get up at like 10.30 so im off to bed... goodnight all and merry christmas.





01:37 Dec 24 2007
Times Read: 643

well i have to make this quick i suppose my parents are coming to get me tonight.... ugh.

that means ill have to sneak out tomorrow morning to get my brothers stuff and wrap em at the wal mart... eh, im happy though.

i had alot of fun at work it was a quiet day and i was singing blues music ALL day, lmao, so much passion goes into the music... i love it.

anyway i am EXTREAMLY frusterated, i have been looking for a good ecard to send to christina for tomorrow.... for three days now... i can't find any i like completely.... ill have to make do some how.... hmmm....

these next few days are going to be great, i can't wait :)

i probably won't get anything for christmas, but i don't care, i saw christina last weekend, and i get to spend christmas eve and day with my family for the first time in 4 years, that is all i need.

anyway goodnight everybody, Merry Christmas and may your days be filled with joy.

p.s. i can't believe you would write what you had for dinner.... O_o... thats it, so jealous my favorite stuff.... mmmmmm... yorkshire pudding.




05:17 Dec 23 2007
Times Read: 647

aiight still alot on my mind... but im tierd :)

im going to bed, i gotta wake up early i start at 10.30... another 9.5 hour shift... eh, one more day to christmas :).

its going to be 9 degrees tomorrow aparently... that sucks, hopefully we'll have a freak storm monday night. lol

Christina as i know i will not have the same luck as today, i hope tomorrow... well today is better, maybe have a one on one if possible with your dad... *shrugs* or Georgina...

talk to you soon.

and don't forget to read my journal on Monday, my parents computer is broken so i won't be online until wednesday.

anyway night all.




05:09 Dec 23 2007
Times Read: 648

aiight im going to bed i gotta wake up early i start at 10.30... another 9.5 hour shift... eh, one more day to christmas :).

its going to be 9 degrees tomorrow aparently... that sucks, hopefully we'll have a freak storm monday night. lol

anyway night all.




03:16 Dec 23 2007
Times Read: 649

aiight today was really good, i worked a long shift... well 9.5 hours of straight work, but i loved it surprisingly, i was in a fantastic mood, i was dancin around and i couldn't help it... i was singing O_o, but hell i was having fun.

I went on msn this morning to check e-mails, and... Christina was actually on.... i forgot she was 5 hours ahead so it was actually like 3.00pm when i got on there, but yeah i was excited, i didn't expect to actually talk to her until she got back in january. So we talked a bit, while i had a tea and waited to leave for work, and when i had to... i didn't want to, but ugh, i gotta do what i gotta do right.

Anyway, it sounded like things were going good, but as i read the newest journal entry i hear some distressing news, but i know exactly what its like to become the outsider in your own family after being away for sometime, i hope things get better when the rest of her family get there....

anyway i got alot on my mind, but no words to describe it all, so im goin to jump and if i think of something you'll be the first to know.





15:10 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 654

aiight, i gotta leave for work at 10.45 to be at work for 11.30....

same as tomorrow..... but christmas eve i should be on. until 12... yes.... then to strath.





05:47 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 658

aiight im not upset im just joking around, but i must explain as many people wonder why all of sudden they hear me singing and it seems to be of a higher.... tone... aiight when im concentrating i sing in a higher voice because i was in choir when i was younger, and it is where my voice seem to feel right when im not... "trying" sing.

When i do try i am quite capable of hitting different tones... even somewhat lower tones... i will prove this point eventually.

this whole topic makes me laugh.... i just gotta stop singing....




03:24 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 660

aiight, today....

today was good i worked a longer shift 8.5 hours, and am still energized, as i walked home i was listening to Kyprios a rapper from BC, so badass...

oh i got a 'specialzed' christmas card from work today, the word specialized in quotes because... it had my name on the card... yeah thats it, and 'They' called it specialized, anyway they gave me a $25 gift card to be used at the White Oaks Mall, so thats not bad... unless you look at the fact if i was working a month longer i would have gotten $50 but eh, im not greedy, surprised i got anything actually, and i got payed $550 on my paycheck... booofucknyeah, that means i can get something good for my brothers for christmas and slap mad money on bills.... soon, very soon.... lol.

anyway this is the part where you are expecting me to talk about christina and how i miss her...ect ect, but im pretty sure she knows and is sick of hearing me yammer on about her, so not today... lol :P

anyway thats all i can think of thats important if i remember anything ill come back and write it.




06:25 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 664

aiight today was good, i went to work, worked hard and came home, im in such a good mood that even if something did happen it wouldn't matter to me....

i went to my favorite journals not expecting anything, but found new entries from christina... yay, she made it safely, and i can hear the joy and excitement in her words, i can't wait to see her again and hear the stories... however i doubt i'll have to wait until i actually see her again to hear the stories.... lol.

now for a spot of the unfortunate... i was soo planning on going back to see christina in march, but i have come to a conclusion, it may have to be somewhat later... i am in too much debt, they started calling my parents over the weekend, and i can't have that, i know she'll understand.... however i will invite christina to easter dinner at my parents, and hopefully she can come :)

after i pay off 2 bills HBC at $350 and ICS at $600, however id like to see someone stop me from going.

if i plan and stick to budget properly i should have them done by mid to late april at the absolute latest, march if i do well.

i can't wait until this bills are paid in full, then i will be free of every connection to the past i am leaving behind, yes.

***This is for all that actually read my journal, when my debt is paid in full i will be throwing a party and everyone is invited... byob of course... lol***

by the way.... for everyone who has read my journal from the beginning... they will know how big this next statement is.... i thaught for the first time today about moving back to mississauga after my debt is gone...... just thaught i should say it.




04:50 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 675

Which Warrior Angel are You and Whose Side are You On? (With Anime Pics)

Protector of the LightClass: ArchangelAlliance: LightYou tend to be a very honorable person. At the same time you are calm, level-headed, and capable of holding it together in a crisis. Your role would be that of Protector. As a Protector of the Light you would take a defensive stance against the forces of evil. You are the strong presence that works to keep others safe.Your Anglic Name: GabrielTake this quiz!

Quizilla |


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01:37 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 678

aiight, i woke up today and my uncle didn't really give me crap for not calling when he found out i walked home last night, he even drove me in to work. Anyway i worked 12 - 7.30 and was able to run around and move quickly, and everyone said that i seem like a new guy... my answer cuz i am, anyway.... lol, Adam from work came up to me and asked, hey were you walking through thanesville last night? (a small sect in between london, and st. thomas) and i was like, yeah, and he was in disbelief when i told him the story, aparently i should not be able to move....

but yeah im still really pumped, from everything that has happened, and i can't wait for christmas im going to spend my first christmas in 4 years with my brothers.... fucking eh!

i get paid on monday, so ill have to pop into the wal mart and grab them something, and a card for my parents, and i may be planning a trip in february... or beginning of march to get my tattoo done, and perhaps ill talk to andrew and boo maybe they could come to and well get it all done together.... hmmm.....





15:51 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 682

as i said in the last entry i was going to tell you all about my weekend... don't forget to scroll and read that one too.

fucking awesome.

i went on friday, i just couldn't wait, but yeah, me and christina chilled watching family guy, and yeah, so then came saturday... we went to timmies for breakfast, then stopped at the Dominion to get stuff for dinner on sunday, Steak, Baked Potatoes, and Roasted vegitables, then we went to the LCBO, i baught a bottle of captain morgans spiced rum... a decision i would come to regret.

Then it was party time, before a bunch of people showed up i was talking with Meganne which is Aarons sister, who brought up a strangly well thaught out conversation about why she wanted a penis... yeah, anyway so i met some of Christina's friends, well i hope i may be able to call them my friends now, amazing people, we chilled all weekend with Aaron and Danny, who i swear look like they would be a perfect sitcom pair, and 10 times as funny. But yeah that night i got embaressedly drunk, and went to lie in the garage on something that in the morning looked nowhere close to how comfortable it was actually being on it, i drank the entire bottle of Captain Morgans, then some Big Apple shots, and some other stuff.... yeah trashed... and i let my emotions get the best of me, damn. I just chilled talking to Rob about a bunch of stuff, then Christina got us to come in. Aaron had to go to the hospital because he decided to punch a wall, but decdided not to until monday... weird, and Jonas tripped over some shoes and slashed his arm open, needing stiches, But yeah that night, whoa, i woke up without a hangover pumped and ready to go so i clean up the empties and dishes, least i could do after what happened...

and that brings us to sunday, aiight christina and i decided to go to the movies and see I Am Legend, with will smith... but before i get to that one word... Blizzard, the roads where covered and it was chilly, we wlaked to the bus stop just intime to see the 45 drive by, so we turn and decide to wait for the 9, and thank god for the broken down bus that let us sit in the bus out of the cold until it came, then we went and got some pizza and watched the movie, it was really a really good movie, it seemed a remake of the movie Omega Man from back in the day, afterwards was interesting, we went down to the bus stop to wait for the 9, and were waiting with 3 other people who had been waiting for 40 minutes already, me and christina talked about Zombies and Vamps and creatures and how the road and weather looked like an amagedon scene the end of the world, after another 45 and 2 new people joining our "group of survivors" the origional three decided to leave and not wait anymore, and the remaining members secided to walk to the Terminal down the street, when we got there the bus we were waiting for was sitting right there i wanted to fight the driver for just sitting here for like almost 2 hours, only problem there was not driver... somehow the bus had no driver to drive the rounds.... interesting, anyway we finally make it back to the house and start dinner, it only took a couple of minutes but it was good, and mischief devoured the extra potato... and was done for the night, then the next bunnage... holy crap.

then monday.... we took the empties back in the morning, there was something awesome about filling a shopping cart to the brim with beer bottles and liquor bottles and walking in the street to return them, but yeah we got a 24 of lakeport honey, some campbells chunky soup, and prepared for an obvious night of drinking and ahem... smoking. Aaron had gone to the hospital for his hand finally, and when he got back was happy to see the 24 waiting in the fridge, it stood no chance, me and arron killed it, while danny would open one drink a little more then half and... forget about it opening a new bottle, and then we smoked, chilling in the washroom just the 4 of us, and thats when it got funny, i can't list em all but i we discovered somethings,

1- Danny is god, "Oh my God, your God"

2- *whisper* Sheppards pie is so boss,

3- Christina's living room is decorated as heaven, hell and earth, and that the beatles are satan....

and there were so many more. We watched Seven... 'its Kevin Spacy' and then me and christina watched muppets christmas carol before going to bed.

Tuesday, was aiight we woke up at 11.30 and headed to Toronto, but not before saying goodbye to Danny, i was going to say bye to Aaron but he took off somewere. My train didn't leave until 7.15 so waht to do? lets get ink done, we went to the tatoo parlor and were going to do it... if i wasn't such a noob... $50 psht, anyway i wasn't leaving empty handed... piercing, yeah. so badass. then we went and chilled at the timmies talking about a bunch of stuff, again im sorry about saturday, but thats over as of now. then the battle began, i didn't want to leave... i don't want to wait for so long to see you again... but we have to do what we have to do, and if i hadn't gotten on the train i would not have gotten the epifany i had last night, now i am a better person and am so pumped.

so yeah that was the best weekend i have had in a long time, Christina always talks about how her friends are amazing, and now i know it for myself, now i can't wait for my next trip down.





08:55 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 685


As you all know i was in mississauga this weekend... what you don't know is today on my way home i have had an epifany.

i have always looked down on myself with low self esteem, even lower when i could find someone who cares about me, but i realized how can anyone love me if i don't love me?

saturday night i drank and embaressed myself and upset someone who is very very important to me, and it was because of this shit, someone said she likes the other guy and he this and that, bullshit. Because he's better because he has a car, or because he may or may not look better, -edit ~ there was some confusion this section above is my own put downs on myself... carry on-

no don't worry it all has a point, me and christina were sitting in timmies and she asked what i want in the future, and how im going to get it... well when i answered how i was going to get it i said first i have to drop the past! that starts tonight. I got to Via Station in london at 9.30, and i had spent the money i had to use for a taxi, so instead of what i could have done, called my uncle and waited for him to come get me... but then something hit me in the head, "I want to see christina", "I speant my money" why should i depend on my uncle to 'save me'

I say NO!

I walked from Via London to my uncles place in st.thomas, Close to 17 MILES. Now people may wonder why is that a big deal? well it shown me what i have to offer someone as amazing as christina. No i don't have a car to take you out.... yet, no i don't have alot of money to buy you flowers.... yet, but i have proven to myself i have:

Drive, Strength, Determination, ontop of my regular traits of honour, respect, and now a better sence of pride. Also it proves that i don't need to be taken care of, and it proves my feelings true to anyone who doubted them in my family.

and with this amazing sense i have after an amazing weekend of fun, (description coming tomorrow) i would love to answer that question again.

what do i see in the future, want do i want?

i don't mind what happens in the future as long as you are there with me heaven would be jealous of the absolute joy in my heart.

I Hope Your Trip is Amazing, Enjoy every minute, and i can't wait to see you again and hear the stories.




14:40 Dec 13 2007
Times Read: 691

o man last night i went to get my wallet from work and i had to help lyn close cuz the other guys left her murray, and brandon alone to finish... so after murray is like, aiight cuz you helped us im buying you a beer... so im like i dunno.. and he looks at me and im like aiight, so we go have a beer, and then go smoke.... some au natural.... anyway i got home at like 5.30 this morning and just woke up and gotta leave for work.

I Can Not Wait For Saturday!!! Only 2 days left!




06:40 Dec 11 2007
Times Read: 693

aiight got some stuff i needed to do done today, i got paid and can't wait for the weekend... i soo want to go down on friday...

im going to take another look at my budget.




03:30 Dec 10 2007
Times Read: 697

today was a vast disappointment... as the past couple of days a mere ploy of life... but eh...

another day alive... another day passed....

i still havent gotten my paycheck... if its not in tomorrow im quitting... dont give a shit, thats goin to be the icing on the cake....

im just forcing myself to cope with the next couple of days before the trip to mississauga, i soo can't wait... the only thing getting me through right now....

anyway ill try and write more later...





08:29 Dec 09 2007
Times Read: 700



i am out of canadian club.... and after today..... damn

04:14 Dec 09 2007
Times Read: 701

so i have a question... not that i give two shits, but how is a 22 year old man too fucking old?

huh? seriously.... byt wtfe....

i worked 12.5 hours with 30minute break... for some reason Shawn at wrk decided to poll the girls at our store to see who they'd... be with.... and aparently im too old..... tieing in with the above statement.... but w/e their opinion doesn't bother me none... only one does... a fuckin lady threw a chicken sandwhich at me... because she waited 5 minutes at drive thru so she came in threw her snadwhich at me... i was like wtf im making the sandwhiches not fuckin serving them.... then she bitched me out, and stormed out.... i was bout to throw the sandwhich back her, but it was pulled out of my hand by the guy ui was working with or all hell woulda broke loose... on that same note i dented a metal door to the freezer today.... the dent had to of been about an inch in, so yeah....

also i had my sunday taken from me without my concent... fuckin joy.... and to top it all off.... im outta canadian club..... please make my day better..... give me a gun.




03:55 Dec 08 2007
Times Read: 703

today was.... ahem....

i was an idiot desperate for money today as i agreed to take extra hours for tomorrow giving me 12.5 hours tomorrow... joy,

i can't wait a mere week and a couple hours til i head up to mississauga for christina's birthday booyeah....

i haven't heard anything more on my brothers situation.... if she did.... *clenches fist*

anyway im going to try and write a couple pages before heading to sleep early for work tomorrow.... 10.30 dammit.....




06:13 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 706

hmmmm...... i didn't write today, im sticking to try and get my editing up to date on what i have so far so i can add the changes into the existing parts of the novel,

i have enlisted christina's aid in the event a... well we'll call it a rumour right now, that my brothers girlfriend has been cheating on him for some time now, if that comes true and i find out she has.... she will have hell to pay.... as i said in my port... nobody fucks with my family... let alone my brothers....

other than that one week and well 2 full days before i head up to mississauga for Christina' birthday, i soo cannot wait, it's going to be fun and i can't wait to see her again...

anyway its late and i must be off to bed.... work comes early to those who don't sleep.... so by the time i fall asleep my alam clock will wake me again.... dammit.....




05:19 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 707

What kind of Eyes do you have?

Eyes of Passion and Fire
Eyes of Passion and Fire
You have the eyes of passion and fire you can give one look and someone know exactly what you are feeling or what you want in most cases you are the party type you live for the moment and dont give a F**K what anyone thinks because in your world they dont exsist only the people you want to do
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic




06:13 Dec 06 2007
Times Read: 710

alas i am doing wonderful on my novel... 14 514 words over 23 pages, so far so good, and still alot to go... i have to work tomorrow prolly til 8.00ish, but eh.....

level 8 boooyeah, and i might have a member's article being posted soon... awesome.




19:31 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 712

ahhh... denied for financial help...

oh well i didn't think id get it anyway,

and i suppose its for the best... i think.

anyway Woot for me i hit 11 200 words last night, and still going strong, its amazing how my writing makes people emotional.... hehehe....

anyway back to writing....




04:47 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 715

well today was... better then yesterday.... the snow and cold still soothed me, but work was ok, two guys at work wanted to read my novel, so i allowed them to read what was done thus far, both of them read for a half an hour straight, as they were on break, and were surprisingly angered when they were unable to finish what i had.... they were inticed and enjoyed the words, and want me to bring it in again so they can continue... awesome.

im talking with christina, on the phone shes making bannana bread... lol.... un ripe bannanas, and alot of suger... im getting diabetes just looking at this... lmao

anyway thats its for now....




04:19 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 721

utter dissatisfaction.... work... sucked...

darts pathetic, the best part of the day was walking in the bitter storm that had engulfed the city, now the beautiful cold, makes me feel comfortable... i love it, ppl at work refer to me as a polar bear... the irony, because as they sit in a jacket with a hat, and scarf and freeze i sit in my t-shirt enjoying the harsh winds and flakes of frozen water, intriguing....

i am writing more today... i am now refering to this story no longer as a story, but my novel, that is my new goal set for this piece of work, and if it is good enough, i will try and get it published... perhaps you may be reading one of mine in the future....




06:43 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 725

yes i am at over 5000 words... i am soo excited im hoping this might be the story to break my drought of incompletes and open my confidence to be able to write fully again.... maybe i could seek to have it published... if its good enough... i dunno... i know even if i sent it to be published, i wouldn't be able to look at the accepted or rejected letter.... hmmmmm....




00:56 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 728

Which kind of dark magic should you use?


Ability: Dreams can tell you many things and not only the future. Druids in the ancient celtic times thought they could find out conclusions and answers through dreams. They layed down on rowan branches with a bull's hide wrapped around them and through that dreams the spirits could tell them what to do. Things changed though and many oppinions about dreams have been mixed with others. Nowadays many people want to find out what their dreams mean but can't find many people who actually have the ability to interpert them. You, my dear friend, have the pure talent to do that. You are unique in your own way.

Personality: You like new things, extraordinary things. Adventuring and exploring places are your favourite things to do. It is almost like living in your own little world. You will yet get lots to see, if you continue like this.

Best copable with: Balance Take this quiz!

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00:03 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 729

today was another heaping pile of crap....

i have a day off so i should be happy right... *buzzing noise* no.... i was left alone majority of the day, left to my own vices, then they came home for enough time to barrage me with the list of rules that i have to follow in order to live in this house... well my aunt did my uncle faught to have some of the 'excessive' rules taken off the list... arrrr... im getting so frustrated, and i hate not knowing what im supposed to do...

but alas good news, mischeif is ok, best news i've had all day... at it happened early this morning....im writing a new story... my fastest work so far, im on page eight, in like 1 hour and like 15 minutes on and off....and i like it so far, i hope i can finish this one, i have so much outside influece appearing in this story im excited to see were its going..... and i almost forgot LEVEL 7 BOOOOOYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!@@@!!!@@!@!@!

aiight enough for now, ttyl.




08:57 Dec 02 2007
Times Read: 733

i am saddened... i read that there is something wrong with mischeif... ontop of everything...

i wanted to talk to christina and see what was wrong... if she knew... but i fell asleep and when i woke up now she had signed off... i hope both christina and mischeif are ok... :(





05:07 Dec 02 2007
Times Read: 735



01:34 Dec 02 2007
Times Read: 737

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

everything but one... pretty damn good... lol




01:46 Dec 01 2007
Times Read: 627

omg today was good..... but the guy who smelt like shit and the bathroom left in his wake.... that was soooo wrong i think he kept some in his pocket..... *shudders*

other then that just chillin... and waiting....

post something later.....



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