There's those people who are against people like me and you. Finding every reason to count us out to make us the misfits. Because of anything you looks, dislikes, anything. They think their so much better. They said I never make it... But I have and always will. My sweet revenge is when they want to run up and be friends. And I get to say nope. They never understood why the underdog has so much to lose. But we do. Judge but you have no right when your probly guilty. Other things to waste time on them making hell for the dark enigma. It's not our faulit their not us. If they where they wouldn't stereotype!!! Hmmm. But I guess that's why their there. To prove wrong and shine in there own deep nightmares. Close thi eyes and see no evil. Open them and be wise. Throw a blanket of protection on the truth.