My poor baby got allergy tested today. Bout 80 little pricks in her back. Had to hold her down. She’s only 5. Turns out the poor thing is so allergic to everything I’m surprised she’s not allergic to herself. So now she has prescriptions and is a perfect candidate for allergy shots if we want to do those later in life when she’s able to handle needles better. She’s a trooper though. Straight told me “I don’t think I wanna go with you to the doctor anymore. Every time I do I get stabby stabbies and I don’t like it not one bit. Not. One. Bit. Mama!”
13:33 Aug 13 2019
aww that poor thing..i dont like needles myself i,m a big baby when it comes to getting shots lol
08:22 Aug 14 2019
She tries, bless her heart. She’s seen me get them without flinching and thinks I’m the bravest super hero ever. Lol! She wants to be just like me so she tries. When she got her vaccinations she just squeaked. Did great. Bit the allergy testing is very different. 80 is a lot more than 2. Heh...