my laptops going in for repairs i will not have access to anything net wise for i hope only 2 weeks.
so i'm now in buffalo Minnesota. land of absolutely nothing to do. I have no internet access unless i go to the library which mind you isn't always open. So I have internet at school which i'm spending my time looking for work and a vehicle.
good luck hun
wow im really going backwards lol
So talked to my TA, regarding what's going on he suggested I post up that I'm looking for a place to stay. Don't really know how well that would go being i have no real income coming in and that jobs are really scarce these days
He suggested that the steps I was taken were one's in the right direction. Preparing for the worst outcome having things packed away, and ready to go out to Wisconsin. He also suggested that I look at places that may take my credit that I've already earned I'd just need to find a place that does game design, but with my credit in shambles it's unlikely i'd even get past the door, and he stated the same thing.
Long run try to find someone to stay with for the duration of the school time. Then going to visit if possible...
We'll figure something out
game design cool :D
Something I blogged on another website I thought I would post my thoughts here in my journal.
I'm well aware that someone has already discussed this on their blog. However, these are my thoughts on the subject. I was avoiding writing another blog for a month but being I found some things I felt that needed to be addressed. Would love to do a view for this so you can see just how much it irritates me that Disney now owns Marvel.
Why do I feel this is a bad idea? Mainly my reasons are that Disney loves to be fully involved with anything their name is on. If it's not Disney kosher they won't put their name on it. This could majorly efect the violence in the movies that will be made.
What am I afraid will happen? I feel that they will want to CGI (PIXAR) the whole comics’ idea instead of sticking to the live action version of the film. Would this be a bad thing? It could be there have been some really bad CGI (PIXARISH) films. But Fizbop isn’t there some really bad live action version of the comics. Sure there are bad comics poorly done live actionish even some that never even saw the light of day. Including the supposedly very rare Fantastic Four Movie prior to the one recently done.
There are always some good and bad movies. I just don't see the same quality from Marvel coming if Disney is involved in it. I just see a really poorly done movie that Disney had their hands in making. Again this is my opinion, not fact. I do like Disney, Hell I'm a huge Tron fan and hate that they are making a sequel of it. Like they did for witch mountain. I'm afraid they are really running out of ideas. I really didn't like how they did UP. Even though I enjoyed watching it somewhat. I was complain about things back and forth constantly throughout the movie.
I really do sincerely hope that Disney will let Marvel have the control over what happens in their live action comics or any animated versions that may be done. I just really don't see that happening. I feel that it will not have the same feeling the really great movies had. Disney's good at doing movies yes there have been bad ones but overall they are obviously doing something right to still be around making movies.
You can debate me all you want to about how wrong I am. Feel free to after all anything you feel you need to take up with me whether it be nit picking my atrocious spelling or any really bad grammar or how you feel differently. The purpose of the blog was to state my thoughts on the subject. Anyone that doesn’t believe that Disney Bought out Marvel can now see that it's really true. Just get on your favorite search engine and search for it.
Thank you for reading these thoughts feel free to comment I'll look forward to reading them. I guess I'm going to have to post more blogs
My god something for me to be obsessed with....
The video that started my obsession.
comment dang you
*quack* lol heres a comment
19:01 Sep 24 2009
that's a bummer, Fiz!
20:37 Oct 02 2009
It really does pour when it rains *hug*
01:52 Dec 17 2009
grrrrrrrr whats wrong with them?