Not that anyone would care about this. Star Trek XI. Has a writter/director. Premisous is Kirk, Spock and the gang. In the Academy Days. Don't know how well of a movie it will make being they didn't meet til Kirk took command of the Enterprise from Christopher Pike.
The point of this post is that It's been my dream to be James Kirk. IF They hold casting calls I intend on being in them. IF I'm Extremly lucky I would land it.
From the moment I learned of Trek I've wanted to be in it. This may be a chance of a lifetime. The Chance I've been waiting for. I know this may sound stupid to a bunch of you. IT's something I've always wanted. If I can go for it. At least I know I tried.
IF you see anything about casting calls for this. I'd appresate the help. If you really don't care well no point in even reading this entry.