Oh I love payday!
It's just one of those days where suddenly you're a little bit less poor and for a while nothing else matters :) It just feels so good to have spare money lying around... it makes you feel bad though, to think that while you've just been given money there are a lot of people out there with literally nothing.
That's why I spend a lot of time on freerice.com - it's an website where u do these little quiz things and for every question you get right, the organisation donates 10 grains of rice to fight world hunger. I know that doesn't seem like much but it adds up quickly and you have to remember that you won't be the only person doing it.
I hope anyone reading this will care enough to at least take a look at their website because I think it's a great idea that helps people who need it and it won't even cost you a penny.
I honestly can't believe it!
It's less than 4 weeks until my exams start :(
Isn't it weird how the year seems to go by so slowly and then when it's almost over, everything just speeds up as if to make up for lost time? But at least this means that it's almost time for me to move onto Highers and drop French. I can't wait!