So you want more huh lol Pounces you again and smothers you with kisses.
*runs and gets cam*
-is jealous- lolll
Oi! people! focus!
Rachy is a meanie ... according to random journals!
Oh no! You had a dream? Looks like Im going to have to send the army in to attack you!!
Get ready cause here they come!
~Comes in to admire the army's handiwork~
Mhmm.not bad...wait.
ELEVENNNN! Where are you!
Attack !
Guards the Cubbeh from further attacks nobody hurts my cubbeh sistah
If MindxBender sees one more lip mark on mah nosh ... he is gonna be chooooo upset!
LOL AWWW but it looks bootiful.! A little wet,but that will dry.
Loved the honesty
Racist is only the outcome of the people who indure the cultures. I personally have had friends of many cultures. the people who are racially bias are usually the ones who have a problem with soceity and use it as an excuse. But i will say this no matter what who ever comes to you in a racist manner you can better believe they will deal with me with every bit of rage that comes from me.. **Hugs**You
Human nature is an amazing and dangerous thing. So much of what makes us so beautiful and loving can also make us ugly and hateful.
Lucky we have such awesome people (like YOU!) in the world to remind us to be the beautiful and loving kind :)
I can''t help but think you're right about what VR has become. This is just like any other social networking site in terms of the people though some play the status system like a game they can't get enough of when the fact of the matter is the site really has failed in it's purpose. I'm sorry, but Twilight and it's nuances don't fit in very well as anything but glorified pre-teen porn and there are other things which tell me that the social networking aspect of the site have overshadowed what Chuck Thompson (Cancer for those who don't know) was originally seeking to do with the site.
Now on to the indifference and racism that people seem to ignore or enable: Yes, we're all human and such is the nature of the beast. Even with such said I can't say I agree with such but the indifference and hate are what will really put an end to humanity as a race and not some curable or terminal disease we suffer from.
There's my 2 cents at least.
Get you a skateboard an grab the bumper of the cars.. talking about extreme racing.. there you go ;)
*Hugs Cubby*
Because the heart and the mind don't always agree. Sometimes you're just stuck straddling the two.
*Bigger squishy hugs*
I love the image. It says so much with so little.
I don't agree with the quote - of which, I've heard before, and not from that member.
We love unconditionally, and sometimes it's just not with the person we expected.
To realise a dream is just a dream hurts.
Love is a two way street. if both parties do not love one another they are not meant for each other. the time is just a passing gesture...**Hugs** Cubby tight and stands her tall on my shoulders.
You can train and discipline your mind but not the heart... it cannot be tamed... It's like a wild horse running out in the open... and the process of "losing your innocence / gaining experience" is hard to accept in most cases.
In this case... time is on your side. Time will heal your wounded heart
11:48 Sep 30 2011
awww bad bad Cubby ;)
14:04 Sep 30 2011
:D Took 11 long enough to get here though.Hmmm wheres that side of beef I sent? Dont tell me,you ate it already????
14:20 Sep 30 2011
Youre going to need to do something about that cub's appetite Dan. Thats three sides in a week,gone.Now,I know you demolish a whole one yourself,and thats understood..depending on the moon.But wow.This little thing eating ALL that????!!!
~shakes head~ Good thing you dont like shrimp or apples..Calypso and I would starve!