Magnum Opus (The Headstone)
A man penitent
before stone and strength
this momentous rock
so proud and defiant
symbol of love
symbol of life
impossible to approach
and keep his head high
for this mighty block
of marble and granite
so delicately carved
so intricately built
stands as reminder
to a love that didn't end
even when life did
so many years ago
though decades pass
the message is no less powerful
though weather and age
crack and corrode
though the names are nearly gone
and so difficult to read
this sign of faith
in the power between two
stands through time immemorial
it peers into souls
and measures yours
against it's monolithic spirit
and no man without such loss
can stand before it
and not yield
to the sign it represents
and kneel in hope
that he too can know such love
that lasts as long as this
Love is loss
But not forever
a breaking heart
like any other part
of ourselves and of each other
mends before we knew it could
ready to love again and more
so that even by surprise or chance
a friendly wink and smile
sends our hearts racing double time
even faster than before
The silver flashes its response
swaying in the brilliance of the light
that waits just meters away
A shining reminder
to this nether world
where darkness meets daylight
like stained glass
wandering curiosity seekers
poke at the silver
tug at its luminescence
then bored at it's lack of response
they wander on
Love used to be your voice
now love holds you deep in it's arms
away from the world
your flashes of light quiet reminders
of what you once shouted in joy
you ebb and flow with the darkness
never wandering too far
a silver leash tethers you to sadness
a silver heart
tied to silver skin
that's gone cold and wet away from the sun
a silver memorial that dances
beneath the ripples of the water
and often hides in the watery locks of hair
that once framed my love