Reno - a town that seamlessly walks between worlds as a growing thriving metropolis and the withered whore of a ghost town. The very cranes that build up the new casinos and condos, could, at second glance, just as easily seem like giant steel birds picking and pulling at the flesh of a recently dead carcass. The grand buildings of indulgence being built next to abandoned shells of yesterday lock on each other in a death's embrace. The multistory behemoths clinging to each other like to weary boxers waiting for the bell to ring.
Within one block you will find the burgeoning clubs and restaurants feeding on the fresh hype of new money and tourism - slick neon and marble a hotel mint...lavish but without taste. On that same block - the tenement hotels - mass graves of the disaffected and disillusioned. Buildings with liquor stores stuck to their bellies like the IV bag on a hospital patient.
Tattoo parlors line the streets and offer their services - the church of the young and of the ancient rebels. Their scripture lines the arms, hands and throats of clergy and congregation alike. Colors like tropical fish flex and fold under needle and ink.
The bars of Reno offer the dual purpose of removing us from the bright neon glare of decadence and greed as well as taking us out of the sight of god and country so that all or nothing can transpire unrecorded by man. The bars become connected by a web of social spiders. Strands of smoke and liquor, strong as steel and bound by friendship that stick to you like cotton candy and stretch out of state and across the globe. The dizzy haze wraps around you like an embrace and the void of the next morning like a forgotten kiss.
This is my town now. The dirty trash lined streets are comfortable and remind me of an old moth eaten and frayed sweater. Not always pretty to look at but it's snug and keeps you warm on the coldest of nights.