well I have decided its time for blood and cereal...
I have not had either in to long...
I am an empath who feeds off sexual energy...but every now and again..I crave blood while engaging in such....just like cereal I only crave it every now and again....
I dont know if it is because I have just been around sheep to long...or if the fact that I have not feed right in a long while...but the taste is on my tongue for blood...To be honest..I feel so damn weak..I cant think straight...Im in a haze...
it dose not help everything that has been going on with me...and those I love...the pressure is getting to be much...
I have never been good at taking care of myself...but great at taking care of others...I know that goes against the saying...if you dont take care of your self..how can you take care of others?...but trust me...its easier to do such....for me that is...
now my thoughts are...how do I get My blood and cereal?...and if it dose not work...then what?....*sighs*
I think Im going to start dancing again....
start at night...to help me sleep...then go back to mornings...
*sighs*..its been such a long time...I hope I didnt forget how...
Ill start easy..with some warm ups...then...2 to 3 songs...
will see...idk...I hope I stick to it..I miss it...