Yaasss... So I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel reviewing horror films, specifically foreign horror movies or maybe just entirely horror themed. Not sure yet Xp Kind of wondering where to start brainstorming this shindig ha! I might even ask 1 of my close friends Joey to possibly help me or maybe do a collab since he collects more than I do 0.0 Maybe make it as a podcast? Ugh my brain farts hold me back. But I want to review rare or controversial gore/ slasher films as well :) Any ideas? Comment below ^.^
20:23 Oct 10 2020
Sounds like something Chris Starr started and stopped.
The Netflix Chickhere
If it's going to contribute to you Living Your Best Life...
Then Just
23:25 Oct 10 2020
Oh nice I have never heard of this! I'll check out the channel ;)
00:02 Jan 12 2021
Do it that would definitely be something new and don't limit yourself to just foreign all horror films
03:46 Mar 18 2021
Sounds like a very nice idea.