Idk, I just know I am goin nuts b/c it is snowing yet again in my wonderful state, and schl has been cancelled yet again b/c of it, and my oldest is sick yet again b/c of some gods unbeknownst reason. *sighs* on top of the threat of pinkeye at his schl, he also has a high temp and is lethargic. gots him bundled on the couch w/medicine, gatorade, and the never ending story 2. The past few wks have been fucking hellacious. In the morning of one day, found out my friend miscarried the baby we were trying to flip to me since we are both the same blood type and then I found out at the end of it that my mom had left her boyfriend of 3y b/c in the past 7 or so months, he had decided to get froggy and hit her/toss her around. first time it happened she kicked his ass. Second and third time he got the drop on her. its just like, "Dear gods, can we really put anymore shit on right now?" *pouts curling up* whe it rains it pours huh? And then I tried to get one of my friends to call me so that I had someone to tlk to about the miscarriage but he got too busy, so I just clammed up and stuffed it way down deep. When I found out she had miscarried, i felt my soul tear and since I was at work all i could do was scream and cry in my head, w/a smile on my face and keep on truckin. ya know?
15:14 Feb 09 2011
Ho-ly cow. That is a lot to carry around all at once.
I offer you the only thing I have to give you: *hug*
22:19 Feb 09 2011
My heart goes out to you.
Stay in their, this two shall pass.
Big Huggs.
14:42 Feb 23 2011
Even if fro strangers, it is still greatly appreciated. :) I thank you both