Actually, yes. It is in need of that, in my eyes. I've managed to make it look somewhat better, but it still doesn't quite suit itself in that way, in my eyes.
Why do you ask? Are you interested in it, my friend?
Alright, then. I will probably have to send you a link to the site, however. And since it's Invite-Only, you may have to set up a profile for it, unless you can think of another way to do so. If you want to use your own profile, then I can set your permissions for it, so you might be able to do a little bit. But to say the least, it would be a great help, and a wonderful addition to it all, in my opinion.
It is easier to demand to be treated with respect then to treat others with same respect that is demanded. Todays society is all about self importance and what everyone owes you but yet these same people when asked why everyone owes them something it usually draws a blank stare followed by well I'm me. I consider it the continued decline of the human species and I also consider vampyrism a part of evolution since nature is make us allergic to all the stuff we used to be able to eat from her bounty I think she is taking it away and forcing us to feed on our selves in a way to reduce numbers since stupidity is on the rise lol just theories mind you but so far seem accurate
Unfortunately, in today's world, Stupidity is taught like mathematics, history, and social interaction. But it only stands to reason that the same stupidity taught almost seems to be becoming inherent in today's generations, and the issue of respect isn't taught anymore.
People don't seem to realize that respect is earned just as fear in some cases is.
The new computer is in, and I am now tweaking it to actually work for me. Once finished, I will likely be setting it up to work with Penguin Power. For those who don't know what that is, consult Linux Operating Systems, and you will find out what I mean.
I loathe Windows 8 more than vista. Vista was an insult to everything that is even Microsoft Corporation. W7 was basically everything Vista was meant to be, and in such, completely destroyed everything that Vista was known for.
Windows is still nothing more than one gargantuan virus, however. Hence one reason I will be Penguin Powering the new equipment.
Internet Exploder is removed, now, and I have Chrome installed. But I still have allot of work to do on the beast. But at least, from what I heard from a good friend, ASUS is a damn good brand for what I will be usibg this thing for.
I am not exactly pleased, right now. My computer is now completely shot. Granted, it is more than four years old, but I got it after it was already entering its second year, still on the shelf. Everything worked just fine, however, until about a year ago, when the photo of me somehow appeared on it, as a "ghost file". Interestingly enough, as soon as that happened, a perfectly good antivirus shut down, completely, and was erased from the drive. After that, it only got worse. The wifi began to malfunction, the browsers barely worked, and no matter how much cold air I pumped through it, the damn thing reached temperatures well over 120 degrees, even whilst I was using the Linux partition. For those who aren't aware, I know more about using Linux than I do about windows. By my own experiences, I have yet to run into anything that I cannot figure out, when it comes to the said OS. Except for This.
Now, Linux is not exactly an easy system to botch, unless you have less knowledge of computers than a chicken has about using a steel grinder. And unless you know what you are doing, it's next to unheard of to create a virus that directly infects a Linux machine. And though it is possible to get "hacked", it isn't possible unless the computer is connected to the internet (and yes; I am saying that my computer was disconnected from the internet for weeks, when this issue hit, and it happened right in the middle of that time span). A friend of mine had to spend three months, working on my computer, to get the image to show up as more than a "ghost file", and even he could not understand how it happened, or what was wrong with it, despite his Very in-depth knowledge of computers. The problem made even him look like he knows nothing about computers.
Now, I am in need of a new computer. And I won't use a desktop computer, because I hate having to be completely stationary while I work on something.
Granted, I don't exactly need a high-end gaming machine. But I am trying to find something that at least fits Some of my criteria, so I may continue working on my site, and hopefully do some manner of work on the side. I despise technology for this very reason. A roughly six hundred dollar machine, which at one point, was a power house, is now reduced to a fucking night light. And no. I am not joking when I say this. It has literally been reduced to a night light, by a virus or multitude of viruses, that were somehow caused by a damn image that appears out of nowhere.
My site is finally "up and running". But there is allot of work to be done on it, so I may or may not be online, here, much.
For those who want to take part in it, and are willing to do Their part, let me know with said positive comment, here.
As it's just starting out, once more, there is more work to be done on it than may seem, from here. New visitors will be welcome, once it is more complete, but remember that it is a very stern concept.
Yay can't wait to take a sneak peak :)
If you want to view/join, then I will have to send you personal invitation to the site. For now, only members can view most of it, so it is safer for everyone, and more efficient.
Just send me your email in a message, if you want to join.
Each mwmber will eventually be subject to a questionnaire as to why they want to join, and each person will have their own place in it, to help the site grow.