just go away
I'm in so much pain
every fucking day
don't u get it?
I can't take this shit
I'm blind
do u mind
should I say
what happened 2 me 2day
should I tell you
what I've been through
do u want 2 know
what haunts me so
why do you care?
this pain I can no longer bare
u strike me down
just by that frown
u tell me I'm worth nothing
but I can't do it anymore
this pain that I indoor
just give me a minute
let me think of why I have u so
this hatred starts 2 grow
the blood flows faster down my arm
I've done so much harm
ok I understand
I'm not even a human
why do u tell me this
why do u dis
y can't u see
I just wanna be me
I just wanna cut
I just want 2 bleed
y can't you see
I love the pain
it's all I have
I can't give any1 any love
I don't have it in me
can't u see?
I run away
as I start 2 pray
all I can give is heart ace and disappointment
leave me be
as I reast in peace
I took my life away
so I could no longer run from the pain
they call me a killer
and they call me a sinner
and they call me a whore
god forbid u'de ever have 2 walk in my shoes
cus then u might know whats it's like 2 know what they say
every single fuckin' day
they call me a lier
just a fuckin' cryer
u don't understand
I have nothing but pain in the palm of my hand
the sticks u hot me with
and the stones u glady throw
there's nothing left 2 hold
I have no love in my life
so I handle my problems with my knife
my love 2 every1 is like a razorblade kiss
cutting deep inside their lips
u try 2 say I love u
and good bye
u don't know what I go through
here without u
heaven blazes in my eyes
silent scream, crys, as I slowly die
laying in my own blood
u see what happens when they call me a killer
when they call me a sinner
when they call me a whore
have u ever been lost inside
so unloved within
that u almost died
have u ever stepped out of the light and realized that u almost died
I've cried
so many tears
stay back
this is what u lack
love and hatred
is so sacred
crushed between hurt and pain
I try 2 restrain
blood drips off my hand
god isn't it grand
son't u wanna understand
that a life like mine
just wants 2 shine
locked in darkness
heartace and moitionless
cry and then die
my troubles have come but not yet passed
don't dare ask
leave me be
leave me 2 be me
the cryer
and the dier
the sacrificer
the suicide victim
the one that wants 2 take my own life
with my stainless steal knife
I'm suicidal
don't ask me to deny it
I'm suicidal now read of my pain
and scream in vain
ignore me like u always have
u don't care
just leave me alone
I am dis owned
and unloved
with a samll twist
I slit my wrist
blood comes out
as I stroll about
listen 2 my cry
listen 2 me die
you loved me
then was afraid of what I can be
you see a demond
yet u have no idea that I can be free
free 2 live the life 4 me
my hands are filled with blood
as I lay in the mud
wasteing away
praying 4 the day
that life will end
these scars refuse 2 mend
a lonly cry
aone I die
stay away
as I wait 4 that beautiful day
when I take my life
with my own knife
one at a time
one in the same
one is the time
that remains
snip back the weak befor they give away
I'm twisted in knots from hard work and strain
I've been waiting so long 4 this time
I'm terrified
blind in ways I never realized
and I don't mind
all at a time
all in the same
I've become prey
strolling down
in my face
these tears I'm not crying
this wil not kill me
u promised u would never hurt me
why can't u see
what should I do
2 get u 2 see what I'm going through
what have u done
u grabed a gun
u promised u would never hurt me
why can't u see
that u made me cry
made me want 2 die
I got so weak
come take a peak
every day u loved me less
it's hey I love u more
why don't u see
u promised u would never hurt me
the life I stole
the life unknown
I cut my wrist
small little slits
the screams
of my dreams
the suicide
my world calides
the life I slote
so very unknown
don't cry 4 me
don't die 4 me
I'm so happy
I'm a stolen life
by my own knife
can't u see
the life I stole
the life I would hold
the life unknown
blood of my own
I cry alone
with a twist of my wrist
I make the slit
I can't stand my life
I grab my knife
I'm so scared
this isn't fair
what should I do
I have no1 2 run 2
blood of my own
yet again I cry alone
Why are you still with me?
You know you could do much better!
I dont deserve you.
You know i'm psycho
You know im an idiot
Stupid, f*cked up, going knowhere in life
But yet your still with me.
We both say "I LOVE YOU"
We both say "WE ARE GREAT"
but yet inside,
Im rotten, dead, black, and crying.
I hide my sadness
With a fake smile
I cant take this sh*t anylonger
Thats smile...ITS FAKE!!
I cry everynight
Wishing i was happy
Wishing that someday that smile could be real
But inside has roptten me away
Whenever you think im happy,
Thats when im crying inside
Because i hurt so badly
And i cant get rid of those
F*cked up feelings inside!!
Play ground bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
had nnoone told you she's not breathing?
Hello im your mind
giving you someone to talk to
if i smile i dont believe
soon i know ill wake from this dream
dont try to fix me im not broken
hello, im the lie living for you
so you can hide
dont cry
suddenly i know im not sleeping
hello? im still here
The Missing Thing
Looking for the missing thing
Yawns and yawns
The hollow O
Echoes with the dentist's terror
It only stows pretences
A blind cave
Where nothing is
Nothing comes in juggernaughts
The GDP of every nation docked in vessels
Feeding the black hole.
At the rim,
Overloaded pressure cracks and warps
Any living thing
Nothing feeds her hideous grubs
The missing air rent with hissing sounds
Of vacuum mouths
Barrels of missile-launchers
Bell-toll tanks
All hollow
Any life surviving,
Groping around in the dark
Looking for the missing thing
See this its my blood,
It seems like I have no life,
And noone seems to care.
That does'nt matter anymore,
Im fading away, but yet so slowly.
It seems I have to cut myself,
So I dont feel so lonely.
Who cares if it is bad,
you never knew why
I was so sad.
That doesnt matter anymore.
You see this it's my blood,
I knew you never cared,
I am gone now,
Because of what you dared
the lover leeps
as the night starts to creep
the lover leeps alone
she just wanted 2 be home
she wanted 2 fit in
but there's a game she will never win
you laughed at her because she was diffrent
can't u people take the hint
she was always the lonly 1
she just wanted 2 become
what every1 wanted her 2 be
u made me change me
I just wanted 2 be apart of the crowd
I wasn't aloud
I love u
I helped u get through
why were u afraid
what a couple we could have made
when u were down I was there there pushing u 2 the top
I was always there givein' u all I've got
but all u did was give me pain
days full of rain
well here I am, at lovers leep
as a lover leeps alone yet again
You all laugh at me because i'm different I laugh at you because you're all the same
this is a great saying I think that suicidal kitten is a very intelligent woman and I would love 2 talk 2 her
she inspires me
my dreams are filled with fright
there is no light
I have 2 stay awake
I'm always up late
the sounds of screams
fill my dreams
this is my suicide fright
I try 2 fight
this just isn't right
I cry
then I die
my blood drips
every1 take a dip
in2 my world
it's just so cold
I'm over this
I've got 2 make this life make since
now I can't tell what I've done
every lie I shun
I thought this would be fun
this is my suicide fright
nothing is ever right
1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.
2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the womens rest room.
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in housewares.... and see what happens.
5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'
9. Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your nose.
10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti- depressants are.
11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.
12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using
different size funnels.
13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and,
then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here! '
the end is near
maybe I'll just disappear
my blood drips on the floor
I'm on the beach shore
I sit alone and wonder why
these people love 2 make me cry
there's a box high up on the shelf
ment 4 me
there's a peice of a puzzle known as life
wrapped in guilt sealed up tight
I'm not ok
I don't wanna live this long day
I wish I could go away
life is so fuckin' hard
I feel as if I'm barred
locked in a cage
feeling bad with my old age
I'm broken
I'm loansom
there's so much left 2 learn
and no1 left 2 find
I want 2 hide
from my dreams of suicide
isn't it funny isn't it sad that my dreams of suicide
arethe best I ever had
these are my dreams of suicide
blood of my own
I cry alone
where should I go?
what should I do?
I don't understand what u want from me
cus I don't know if I can trust u
the darkness falls
please hear my calls
the puddle of my blood on the bed
I rest my head
hear my screams
listen 2 my dreams
please understand
I will not comand
I can't take it anymore
I'm by the beach shore
hear my plead
rescue me
blood of my own
I stand unknown
my sweet suicide
my world will slowly colide
I scream
because of my dreams
with a twist of my wrist
I make the slit
I don't understand
some1 give me a hand
why do I have so much pain
I have nothin' 2 lose and nothing 2 gain
I don't beleive in anything
I have no belief of nothing
a lonly cry
alone I die
with a puddle of blood on the bed
I will rest my head
and soon be dead
u don't get it
I can't deal with this shit
alonly cry
alone I shall die
my sweet sweet suicide
my world will slowly colide
I won't let u in
don't even begin
why don't u see?
see what I can be
I'm not what I appear
I just want 2 disappear
hear my cry
hear me die
I've lost everything
I'm not a human being
I won't let u in
don't even begin
I hate my life
I grab my knife
I will die alone
I am unknown
I am a poser
I'm just a loner
forget me
forget what I can be
I won't let u in
don't even begin