People seldom say "I love you"
Or when they do it's too late,
Or love goes.
So when I say" I love you"
It's not beacuse I know
You will not go,
It's because I hope you won't
When all that there is, of all that there was,
Of all that there used to be
Is a memory vivid, so lifelike and clear;
All for my mind's eye to see.
I close my eyes and picture
The willowby the brook;
It was so thin and fragile,
With every breeze it shook.
Behind it's tender bowers,
I spot a patch of blue.
Now could it be that pretty dress
You wore when I met you?
You found the tree a growing,
Beside a running brook.
You said it was our tree for life,
And then your hand I took.
I placed it on a branch dear
The placed mine on it too.
Then i claimed it for our very own
Just for me and you.
Our love grew like that willow,
I still can see it now.
And though it's all from memory.
It's almost real somehow.
I see us in the autumn,
Beneath a sky of grey,
I tellyou how I love this spot,
and from it will not stray.
You smiled and kissed me lightly,
And said you loved it too
Then marveled at the willow,
And just how big it grew.
It's branches were much higher'
And golden leaves hung down.
It seemed to bow in greeting,
and gently touch the ground.
As icy winter touched it,
I can hear it whisper, too:
It's time that I must sleep friends,
But I'll soon be back with you.
Now by and by its' spring time,
and how the willow grew.
We found that it had blossomed'
When you had blossomed too.
From childhood to a young girl'
A woman then a wife.
The mother of my children,
The sunshine of my life.
I see our years pass swiftly,
I watch the time fly by,
I ditn't notise then, pet,
I didn't even try.
When suddenly it happens,
As autumn tourn to fall,
Your long and golden tresses
are now a silver ball.
I look into the water,
Where the brook becomes a pond,
I see a man with hair of white
Instead of hair of blonde.
I chuckle to myself now,
i truely am amused.
To watch ones' self all flustered
And utterly confused.
Our willow was fully grown now
it seemed to reach the sky.
You stood back to look at it,
Then crumpled with a sigh.
And now I see me tremble
As I kneel at your side
You whispered something soft to me,
and with a smile you died.
Words can't begin to measure
My sorrow or my grief.
And though my heart had died there,
My mind had no relief.
Then as the purple shadows
Of evening's twilight grew
A cry came from the willow
For all at once it knew.
It bowed it's head in sorrow,
It's limbs hung near the ground.
A great majestic sadness
Could be felt for miles around.
It seemed it asked, sighing,
Had she any words to say?
It hardly was a whisper
before she slipped away.
You'll know in time I told the tree
Then went about my task
To bury her beneath it's roots
And cover her with grass.
I looked up at the tree then,
And saw it knarled and dried
But all the forest creatures say
From a broken heart it died.
So from that time on foreward
all willows hang theri heads
To weep tears, oh so softly,
For a life long friend who's dead.