What's the deal, how can you think He's real
Have you spoken to Him
Have you seen Him
Or do you believe what others tell you
Do you believe everything you hear
Well have no fear, the end is near
Maybe He will welcome you
Just have no fear
Keep your silly beliefs close to your crooked heart
Maybe He'll save you
I'll stay and watch you go
But the rivers of Hell still may flow
When it's all over, where will you be
What if there is nothing
No Light
No Dark
Won't you feel foolish
You will cry as you die and I will laugh as your tears fall
(Written when I was 14, published, unauthorized use or reproduction will be prosecuted)
I hear the hounds of hell howling in the distance
I should be frightened
I should run
I stand my ground, inviting death with open arms
I hear them approach closer and closer
I feel the tear of my flesh
I smile, I welcome the extreme pain
As I am torn apart, I am nothing but grateful
The pain from the hell hounds cannot compare to the pain of my life
My ravaged body falls six feet down into the grave I have dug for myself
Finally I'm home, finally I'm free
(Written at 13 years old and has been published, any reproduction of this work will result in prosecution.)
12:26 Mar 05 2014
Really good keep it up