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I got a really wonderful and incredibly sad surprise today. I went to the mail and there was a card inside. When I opened it, there was another small envelope and a picture.
The small envelope was a thank you from my Aunt. She was thanking me for reading at my Uncle's funeral. (It was the least I could do for him and for her.)
The picture, well, it was a scene of sunset on the ocean, with birds flying over. Right in the center, was my Uncle, waving bye to us...and I like to think hello to the beach that was just outside the picture.
It was cut from another picture of him on the last day of work when he was saying bye to his van that he was ALWAYS driving.
But the neat thing, even in her grief, my Aunt was thinking of ME. I really, REALLY do love my family.
I went to the Dr today for a follow up after seeing the specialist last week. It seems that some of the meds that I was taking was actually making me worse. Go figure! I have now been off two meds for 3 weeks and have not been sick at my stomach any and the tiredness is getting much better.
I have also been trying to catch up on some much needed documentation. I am getting there but not completely caught up as of yet.
My friend...RAT....keeps wanting snow. Yes it is pretty and I really wouldn't mind a little of the white stuff. But the COLD getting there is horrible on my arthritis. My fingers are SORE in the joints, my knees and left hip ACHE and my feet have frozen toes most of the time. So...NO SNOW if I have to be out in it. But if I can stay home in the can have some snow Rat.
My other friend, CAT, seems to be inundated with family responsibility. I respect her desire to be the caretaker but I also hope she remembers that she must care for herself as well. If she gets down.....who will take the Cat's place???????
I am actually beginning to feel a bit of Christmas spirit but so busy I cant seem to get decorated just yet. Course, I will have to pack the things from Halloween first before I can decorate for Christmas. YES, I KNOW but dang it, I have been sick AND busy. If it bothers you so much....come clean it yourself!!!! :)
My Mom has been going through pictures and sorting them. I look forward to seeing what she will do with them. It has also been fun seeing them and reliving some really good memories.
Mature. Responsible. Aristocratic. Excuse me. The Priss.
Prisses are the smartest of all female types. You're highly perceptive, and confident in your judgements. You'd take brutal honesty over superficiality any time--your friends always know where they stand with you. You're completely unfake. Don't tell me that's not a word. You're also excellent at redirecting internal negative energy.
These facts indicate people are often intimidated by you. They also fall for you, hard. You have a distant, composed allure that many find irresistible. If only more of them lived up to your standards.
You were probably the last among your friends to have sex. And the first to pretend that you're pregnant. LOL. Though you're inclined to use sex as weapon, at least it's not as one of mass destruction. You're choosier than most about your partners. A supportive relationship is what you're really after. Whether you know it or not, you need something steady & long-term. And soothing.
Your exact female opposite:
The Playstation
Random Gentle Sex Master
Always avoid: The Playboy (RGSM), The Loverboy (RGLM)
In addition to doing some work today...which by the way...waiting for return calls SUCK! I also did some ME time. What is ME time?
This morning I stopped in at the chiropracter for the SECOND time this week. He adjusted my atlas after showing me some xrays and mumbling something about numbers and laterals and bilaterals...I sort of tuned it out.
Then this afternoon, I had a facial, hair color, and cut. Sings...I look pretty, oh so pretty....:)
I even had lunch in my car listening to a book on CD that I picked up at the library.
But tonight, I discovered a few backroads in my county. Dark roads that get progressively smaller and smaller until they come to a dead end. Smart? Not very. But, not a lot of choice.
I HAD to go get Mom's cookie dough that she HAD to order from an old student of hers who is now married and with several children. And guess who HAD to pay for said cookie dough?? Yup ME.
Now, I spent 45 minutes on dark country roads in places no girl should be alone in the dark. I then was nice to someone I didn't really want to be nice to and paid money for something I didn't order. Who BETTER GET SAID COOKIES WHEN THEY ARE BAKED???????
Yesterday I drove for one and a half hours to get Reiki therapy. I have been going for almost a year and half. I have felt many things while on that table. But yesterday, the energy felt as if she was taking a hot poker (the image that came to my mind) and burning the spot in my left hip. Gracious it HURT. It even made my eyes leak (I would never say I was crying) quite a bit.
About the time I was getting ready to say that I couldn't take it anymore, she moved spots. No other area on my body felt that way. My hip had been bothering me for quite a while now. This feels some better.
She said that the left side is your female side and right side the male side. Now, I am left wondering, what does that mean for me?
Then, I went to Joseph-Beth's Bookstore and picked up some books I had ordered and bought a new CD of Christmas music from a group in Cinci. Sort of a folksy group with a sultry undertone. I liked them obviously. And different kinds of Chtistmas music than usuall.
THEN, I treated myself to baby back ribs at Tony Roma's. YUM!!! Then took my time driving home. It was a good day for me overall. Sometimes, time to do things for yourself is a good good thing!!!
Have a short story to share.. I was walking to work and as I passed these two girls, they "whispered" OMG, she's sooo fat!. I rolled my eyes, and turned and raised an eyebrow- "I'm fat, not deaf."
I happily skipped the rest of the way to work from the expresssions I left on their faces... :)
My Dad, My Uncles, Friends, Ancestors, and those unknown.....THANK YOU for serving!
You know without them, it is untelling what America would be like. I shudder to even try to imagine.
Not just the soldier but the FAMILY gave too! Thank the veteran, the one serving now, and the family who has to wonder, pray, and go on while the loved one is away fighting for ALL of us and the freedom we so enjoy!
Got home tonight after being out at Wildcat until 11. There was a message on my phone from my Mom. When I first heard her I thought she was crying and something else was wrong. My heart dropped into my stomach. But, she was not crying -- she is sick from the funeral on Wed.
When I called her, she said that she has been given a Z Pack but it has made her nauseous as well as her already horrible cold and throat issues. She also went on to say that my Aunt whose husband died was also sick as was some of my cousins. I lucked out on that.
HOWEVER, it appears that I STILL have a UTI and was also given some major antibiotics to take. This is the THIRD set of antibiotics and the FOURTH straight test to come back with infection. You know....I guess it is no freaking wonder my lower back hurts most of the time. Therefore, my Dr. is referring me to a Urology clinic...I go next week. Yes in Lexington. Actually I have been before but my old Dr has retired. It will be a new one.
I also told him about me stopping some meds for a couple days and feeling better. He was ok with that. We decided that I would stay off them until next week and then try adding one to see what happens...then the other to determine which one it is making me sicker.
ANYWAY, that is the update on me for now.
****You is sort of a shame that I have to leave updates here to let friends know about me as I do not have time to let them know any other way during a civilized time. Just GRRRR!!
It has been a difficult 4 days. I have been through many trying emotions. I have cried, was scared, shocked, angry, laughed at shared memories, been stoic and strong for others, tired, disappointed in others, been reprimanded, realized again that many things can be replaced, but people and family ties can not. I have also been reminded again that time is short and we never know how much or how little we have left.
I have decided that my priorities need some realignment. I have also come to the realization that in the end, the only person I can truly count on is myself. Most of my family, would come a close (as close as my skin) second, but in the end, they have other responsibilities besides me.
I think this is a sad realization of a hard truth. I am a dreamer who is an optimist and thinks only the best of people. Over the years, I have seen the best and the worst and managed to maintain that optimism. I think for now, it is in stasis. I do not feel optimistic about other's ability to make changes or to do good. Apparently no one changes anything until they HAVE to do so and even then, they choose a living "death" rather than a more positive lifestyle. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder if I am one of them.
In any case, I have decided that there are many changes I need to make in my life. If I truly want some things, I need to make them the priority and let the things and the people that try to hold me back from it....let them go, be they friend or foe, expensive or sentimental.
Yes, I am feeling rather odd for me. Tragedy and loss will do that I think. But, I also think this has been brewing in me for a while now and the last 4 days have brought it to the forefront of my thoughts. I guess this has been a way for me to put those swirling thoughts and feelings of the last few days into words. Perhaps the feelings will change, perhaps not. Only time will tell.
Thank you Redqueen and LadyKrystalynDarkStar for caring enough to drop me a line about my Uncle. I appreciate your support.
I also want to thank Nightgame for her telephone call. It was good to get a chance to talk to someone outside the family who I did not have to be "strong" for. Another person who called to ask about me is not on VR but I wanted to acknowledge her as well--a friend from high school.--DSBM--who I kept missing on the cell - but she called so many times... :)
...My Mom just called, my Uncle Nic just died...out of the blue. He was taking a shower and got dizzy..blacked out....and was gone. They think it was a blood clot. He had just retired.