Elemental's Journal

Elemental's Journal


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21 entries this month

A Virgin's Worst Nightmare

14:02 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 761

A virgin girl asks her boyfriend to come over and have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time.

* * * * * * * * *

Well, the boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some condoms. He tells the pharmacist it's his first time and the pharmacist helps the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex.

* * * * * * * * *

At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy, a 3-pack, 10-pack, or family pack. The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be rather busy, it being his first time and all.

* * * * * * * * *

That night, the boy shows up at the girl's parents house and meets his girlfriend at the door. "Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet my parents, come on in!"

* * * * * * * * *

The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head.

* * * * * * * * *

A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer, with his head down.

* * * * * * * * *

10 minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy.

* * * * * * * * *

Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to the boyfriend, "I had no idea you were this religious."

* * * * * * * *

The boy turns, and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a pharmacist."




Hot mouth

03:29 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 763

Dont you just HATE it when you burn the roof of your mouth and then can't keep your tongue away from it and nothing tastes the same?




The Pastor's Donkey

14:34 Aug 30 2007
Times Read: 766

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won.

The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered in another race and it won again.

The local paper read:


The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in any more races.

The next day the local paper headline read:


This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.

The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.

The local paper, hearing of the news,

Posted the following headline:


The Bishop fainted.

He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey so she sold it to a farmer for $10.

The next day the headlines read:


This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the high plains where it could run free.

The next day the headlines read:



Alas . The Bishop was buried the next day.


Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery and even shorten your life.

So, be yourself and enjoy life.

Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and you'll live longer.




28 Miles to Go!!

01:15 Aug 30 2007
Times Read: 770

A couple of years ago Camp Wildcat and its reenactors were approached to aid in the filming of a music video. The singer....well...mute if you like.... but the images and the reenactors are from my Civil War group. :)




LadyKrsytalynDarkstar is a Gracious Lady!!

00:59 Aug 30 2007
Times Read: 774

She made these and sent them to me. Aren't they great?!!




Thanks Queenmorbid!!!!

00:38 Aug 30 2007
Times Read: 780

The Menagerie

She also made this for me. That was sooooo SWEET!!!!





15:50 Aug 22 2007
Times Read: 787

SO..exactly WHEN do I get to outgrow zits? GRRRRRR!!!!!




Classes starting

04:06 Aug 22 2007
Times Read: 789

Classes started yesterday. I will be on the road a lot this semester as I cover 3 campuses with the farthest two being an hour and half apart and the third between them. It should be an interesting semester. I have a new job description and it will be interesting to see what comes of it.




Getting too old to stay out late.

02:43 Aug 20 2007
Times Read: 794

I enjoyed getting together with the gals last night.

BUT we stayed way too late for my system to handle. It was 4 this morning before I got to bed. Sigh......knocks things off schedule and I do not handle it well. Have felt like crap all day. Got virtually nothing done that I wanted/needed to do. So.....gals. as much fun as it was...I can not stay out that late any more.

You feel free to go stay that late, just say hi to the 4th person for me.




BF update for the Gals....:)

04:37 Aug 13 2007
Times Read: 804

Although not resolved by ANY means, things are better with the BF. Now, if he can get over his stubbornness about moving.....:) (Not that I am stubborn about moving there...nope not me....lol). We talked....and it went ok....not as well as hoped but better than suspected.

Got it gals? Hope so as I will be on the road a lot this week and may not be able to fill you in other than here.




Reiki workings

04:24 Aug 11 2007
Times Read: 810

The Reiki therapist said things would be coming out of me as things were coming up from my subconscious more. But..geez....It has actually been aamazing what the Reiki lady mentions ..that when she says it, I can tie it directly into a painful memory.... today I was so...tired, in pain, and just angry.

She really worked on my left side yesterday and by last night I was in terrible pain to the point of taking flexoril and still waking in the night when I turned over. The chiro put ice on it as well today. Sometimes healing is painful first but then feels better after.

All those toxins got to come out it seems. Amazing the link between mind, body, and spirit.




21:26 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 817

Feel like breaking people's heads today.




Facing life

01:20 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 823

There are times in every person's life when we have to go through something that is inevitable. We do not want to go through this thing. We would give anything sometimes to escape it...but it is unescapable.

Thus, it becomes a question of HOW to get through this thing. Will I do it with fear, cussing, trying to run, alone, with others, prayer, meditation, courage, grace, laughter, love, sadness, hate, or numbness?

I often pray for positive professional productiveness. I am going to add to that prayer...with courage, grace, and the laughter and love of family and friends.




Life Update for those who wish to know.

02:34 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 830

So much to talk about….I think I will break it up into areas. That way if you are reading this and want to skip a section you can.

Family – The parents are doing really well right now. For that I am most grateful. Extended family are doing fairly well also. I do have one cousin going through some marital issues but I think if both she and her spouse grow up and realize that marriage and parenting are actually going to take some work, they should be fine.

Friends – I have some of the greatest best friends in the world. I also have some really good friends that I have not been in as much contact with as I would like. I need to work on that more. Then there are good acquaintances that I maintain contact with every so often via dinner and phone calls. I have been very lucky in my friends over the years.

Work – I have gotten the list from the Graduate school, I will just have one student this fall from there. I still work part time at the local psych unit and was offered a full time position today. If it had been a month ago I might have taken it. But, I have my full time position at the local University and really like the more flexible schedule that it offers. My private practice is doing ok. It is small but at least is making enough to cover the overhead costs and rent. It is neat to walk into the office and see all my certificates on the wall and know that what I see is ….mine. Yes you read all that correct. I have one full time and three part time jobs.

Civic – I also am the president of the local reenacting unit that puts on the Civil War event of the year. Running a bit behind in this area but no more so that usual I would say.

Love – The boyfriend and I have been dating two and half years. Recently things aren’t going so well. I just don’t think he realizes it yet. He lives three hours away and doesn’t want to move here and I don’t want to move there.

He can’t bring himself to tell me he loves me other than “you’re ok” and yet he is the one who comes to see me the most. I have been trying to get him in the same room for the last month but he has started working night shift and we haven’t been able to work it out yet. Not sure what the next step for us will be.

Spiritual – I have been slacking in this area lately. I so need to work on this.

Home – I feel pretty good about the cleaning and donating I have been able to complete. The apartment looks clearer and I got a huge tax deduction for the donations. WHOHOOOOOO!!!

Me – Hmmm been feeling better mood wise lately, physically as well. I think cleaning the apartment was a symbol for cleaning out my “issues” as well. I have been working on letting things go from my past, my childhood actually. Traumatic experiences that were illness related. I will leave it at that.

Wow….told ya I had a lot to say and catch up on when this started. If you made it to here……well …I am impressed.

Now – time for a glass of tea and some couch potato time. 




This is so true of my relationship right now...

17:56 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 837

The Difference in Men and Women

Let's say a guy named Fred is attracted to a woman named Martha. He

asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A

few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy

themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a

while neither one of them is seeing anybody else.

And then, one evening when they're driving home, a thought occurs to

Martha, and, without really thinking, she says it aloud: "Do you

realize that, as of tonight, we've been seeing each other for exactly

six months?"

And then, there is silence in the car.

To Martha, it seems like a very loud silence. She thinks to herself:

I wonder if it bothers him that I said that. Maybe he's been feeling

confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I'm trying to push him

into some kind of obligation that he doesn't want, or isn't sure of.

And Fred is thinking: Gosh. Six months.

And Martha is thinking: But, hey, I'm not so sure I want this kind of

relationship either. Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so

I'd have time to think about whether I really want us to keep going

the way we are, moving steadily towards, I mean, where are we going?

Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of

intimacy? Are we heading toward marriage? Toward children? Toward a

lifetime together? Am I ready for that level of commitment? Do I

really even know this person?

And Fred is thinking: ...so that means it was...let's see...February

when we started going out, which was right after I had the car at the

dealer's, which means...lemme check the odometer...Whoa! I am way

overdue for an oil change here.

And Martha is thinking: He's upset. I can see it on his face. Maybe

I'm reading this completely wrong. Maybe he wants more from our

relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has sensed -

even before I sensed it - that I was feeling some reservations. Yes,

I bet that's it. That's why he's so reluctant to say anything about

his own feelings. He's afraid of being rejected.

And Fred is thinking: And I'm gonna have them look at the

transmission again. I don't care what those morons say, it's still

not shifting right. And they better not try to blame it on the cold

weather this time. What cold weather? It's 87 degrees out, and this

thing is shifting like a garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent

thieves $600.

And Martha is thinking: He's angry. And I don't blame him. I'd be

angry, too. I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can't

help the way I feel. I'm just not sure.

And Fred is thinking: They'll probably say it's only a 90-day

warranty...scumball s.

And Martha is thinking: Maybe I'm just too idealistic, waiting for a

knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I'm sitting right

next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a

person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about

me. A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl

romantic fantasy.

And Fred is thinking: Warranty? They want a warranty? I'll give them

a warranty. I'll take their warranty and stick it right up their...

"Fred," Martha says aloud.

"What?" says Fred, startled.

"Please don't torture yourself like this," she says, her eyes

beginning to brim with tears. "Maybe I should never have...oh dear, I

feel so..."

She breaks down, sobbing.

"What?" says Fred.

"I'm such a fool," Martha sobs. "I mean, I know there's no knight. I

really know that. It's silly. There's no knight, and there's no horse."

"There's no horse?" says Fred.

"You think I'm a fool, don't you?" Martha says.

"No!" says Fred, glad to finally know the correct answer.

"It's just that...it's that I...I need some time," Martha says.

There is a 15-second pause while Fred, thinking as fast as he can,

tries to come up with a safe response. Finally he comes up with one

that he thinks might work.

"Yes," he says.

Martha, deeply moved, touches his hand.

"Oh, Fred, do you really feel that way?" she says.

"What way?" says Fred.

"That way about time," says Martha.

"Oh," says Fred. "Yes."

Martha turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him

to become very nervous about what she might say next, especially if

it involves a horse. At last she speaks.

"Thank you, Fred," she says.

"Thank you," says Fred.

Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted,

tortured soul, and weeps until dawn, whereas when Fred gets back to

his place, he opens a bag of Doritos, turns on the TV, and

immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a college

basketball game between two South Dakota junior colleges that he has

never heard of. A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells

him that something major was going on back there in the car, but he

is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what, and so

he figures it's better if he doesn't think about it.

The next day Martha will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of

them, and they will talk about this situation for six straight hours.

In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and

everything he said, going over it time and time again, exploring

every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning,

considering every possible ramification.

They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks,

maybe months, never reaching any definite conclusions, but never

getting bored with it either.

Meanwhile, Fred, while playing racquetball one day with a mutual

friend of his and Martha's, will pause just before serving, frown,

and say: "Norm, did Martha ever own a horse?"

And that's the difference between men and women.




I Love IT--------Go Marines!!!!

17:06 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 839

OOORAH for the Marine

A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes."

The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still waiting. "It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence.

The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting America's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid things and act like a jerk. So, He sent me."




Country Roads..Just like Home

04:27 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 845

This song always makes me think of my home and how I love living in the mountains. He sings of West Va.. but it looks so much like Kentucky he could easily have been singing about us instead.




I want this attitude.........and body...and energy...and talent ...and be able to wear those kick ass SHOES!!!!

03:43 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 848




You KNOW what this is about Puppy.....:)

02:33 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 855

Puppy wrote:

I mean REALLY...lol

*putting puppy paws over ears, ala Kay*

I NEVER would have thought you for something that RISQUE...lol




A bit of history that everyone should still consider

02:10 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 860

It is kind of long...10 minutes but well worth listening to..and hearing Bob Hope speak to the USA.

Upteen years later...he was STILL cheering up the troops...this is in Saudi Arabia.




17:09 Aug 01 2007
Times Read: 865

Sometimes in the fast pace of the every day.....

I look around and realize.......I miss ME.



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