EchoDusk2's Journal

EchoDusk2's Journal


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5 entries this month


21:46 Jan 19 2013
Times Read: 364

so,melanie said that she doesnt want to date me yesterday cuz i was saying that i want to smoke weed w/ her and she was all like i cant d8 a stoner

i assumed she already knew im one and like a week ago,she said she would

i dont get it....



22:39 Jan 19 2013

:/ she is missing out your a great person, and a great friend too.

23:50 Jan 26 2013

I think she is afraid to admit her feelings for you.

Im sure is Halee (My little sis)

says your a great person and friend then it is true she doesn't lie and she never will.



02:21 Jan 13 2013
Times Read: 370

so does any one have any advise for me about the whole situation between me and Melanie,read the journal entry before this to figure out what it is.




what is new with me??

09:43 Jan 12 2013
Times Read: 377

alina said that there is absolutely no way she would ever date me again. but on a positive note my bff Melanie thinks I am hot. so yay. but her mom found out that she likes girls and she got hella pissed.it's not like us being a lezzie couple would hurt anyone. it just makes me so mad though that people are so mean to the LGBT COMMUNITY and that they say what we are doing is unnatural and not Christian.we're in the 21st century for crying out loud and yet people are treating US like we r 2nd class citizens. ugh!




My 30 days of night essay

02:49 Jan 10 2013
Times Read: 381

Wrote an essay based off of what I think the 2nd part of 30 days of night should of been like. for my English class and just finished it a few minz ago

In the first movie;a bunch of vampires go to Barrow,Alaska during the winter and kill everyone in the town besides one woman named Stella who some how survives.If I were to write the second part to it,I would have the clan of vampires still in Barrow.Then,they would realize that she is still running around the small little town,alive and breathing very well.The vampires would then,kill her after they found her hiding and then they would stay in Alaska for the next ten years living off of the blood they got.

Still in Barrow the vampires would not realize Stella was still alive until a week after the huge massacre occurred.During this time,she would survive off of anything and everything she finds in the local stores and restraunts. The vampire clan,would be staying in a cave somewhere in the middle of the woods and the head vampress Lilith would have enough blood gathered up that they could survive for a long time there.Stella would be staying in an old,abandoned motel and living without any running water at all to flush the toilet or wash dishes.She does have a pet dog though to keep her company that she found hiding underneath a fancy 1997 Ferrari that she named Biscuit.

One day,when Biscuit and Stella were walking to the store,just like they did every other day,while Lilith was flying above the perimeter of Barrow looking around and saw them down there.Lilith then,flied as fast as she could to the cave in the middle of the woods where they are staying and would tell all of her clan members that there is still one survivor left.They would doubt her,thinking she was making it up and say "There is no way that any one could of survived." Lilith would then come up with a plan for all of them to fly in the middle of the night and search for Stella.Stella mean while,was heading back to the motel with biscuit and they were enjoying a simple meal of cold hot dogs and a can of baked beans.

At the strike of midnight that night during the full moon,Lilith gathered up all of her clan members and separated them out into 8 groups each having 50 vampires that could see in the dark very easily.She wanted the entire city to be searched from top to bottom until the last morsel was found and drained of her delicious blood.They all left and looked around for her for the next three hours with absolutely no luck what so ever.While Lilith was flying around,she saw Stella's shadow on the curtain in the room she was staying in.Lilith then snuck in behind her,then without any warning picked her up by her feet then carried her to the cave where she was drained of every last bit of blood that was left in her body.

After they were done,Lilith gathered everyone back together and they had a huge celebration.She told them "We'll be staying here for a long time and will hide in this cave when summer returns." Everyone cheered and they were so happy to here the good news.They all raised their glasses filled with blood then the youngest vampire among them made a toast.She said "Here's to Lilith,without her we would of never been able to survive this long."




closer to graduating more then ever....

23:05 Jan 06 2013
Times Read: 385

after this trimester is done,ill be done w/ high school completely.

for the past week ive been looking throo old pics of me from when i was a baby,a toddler and in elementary school

=on graduation day,their going to do a slide show,the teachers requested abunch of pics

after im done w/ high school,i hav to go bak there in may to graduate

i had no idea that i looked like such a farmer girl in elementary school

i definately have changed abunch




00:29 Jan 07 2013

Same here. Six months until I walk across that stage. Class of 2013 ^^

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