I am earthgrinder, a pupil of the Blood Kindred, proud member of the Blood Moon Kindred Coven within the Dark Kindred Alliance.
I have been a member of VR for eight years. Ok, enough with the formalities. I value the opportunity to be here. A little about me. My purpose is the way of the warrior on an ongoing journey of selfmastery and service to others. Now, you know where I am coming from.
First, I would like to talk a little about intergrity. The definitions, according to Websters New Riverside Dictionary, revised edition:
1. Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct.
2. Personal honesty and independence.
3. Completeness--unity
4. Soundness.
Secondly," all too often, we concern ourselves only with immediate results and we forget the long-term returns of our behavior. This short-sightedness can prevent us from reaching our full potential and can cause us to experience great unhappiness. For example, if we spend all our money on good times and save nothing for the future, our shortsightedness can lead to financial insecurity. Or, if we put off our work or do only half-hearted job, we might feel an immediate release of tension. Yet, the long-term return will be more work or perhaps a poor reputation. We must learn to live with the results and the returns of our own actions. The returns might be a long time in coming, but they will eventually arrive. We should not be too surprised at the results or returns when they do come, for they have their roots in our actions. Instead, we should give our all at the outset and try to do our best on at every opportunity. Then, we shall truly deserve both the results and the returns of our behavior."--Kaicho T. Nakamura
Thirdly, every thing we do there is a cost. In other words, there are no free lunches. MachineGunning levels to get to whatever exacts a tremendous cost to those that pulled the trigger. Not very many people are pleased with this. It is up to Cancer and his team what is done,. What the machinegunners have sown will be reaped 1000 fold. I shudder at the thought. What comes around goes around - In Ga Ho
Here's a question for you to ponder this week...
What should you do more of this decade? What should you do less of? --james clear
"Not every situation is going to be as bold or newsworthy as the examples above, but then again, Jerrell Freeman wasn’t thinking about headlines when he saw someone choking on their food—he was just thinking about what kind of help he could offer. Landmesser wasn’t thinking that his act of defiance would be the only legacy he would be allowed to leave in this world—he was just thinking about what kind of man he wanted to be. Use those examples today for all your actions big and small.
No need to talk about what a good person is like, just be one, wherever and whenever you can." @ Daily Stoic.
What stories have you bought? How is that working for you?
Here's a simple question with potentially wide-reaching implications:
Can my current habits carry me to my desired future?
"Don't think about all things you fear.
just be glad to be here."--FC Kahuna
The Banshee screaming in my ears, head, body suddenly stopped. Shaking my head, blood everywhere from many torn throats.
Write a 2 sentence horror story.
That would be a good one
As the village slumbered, a vile darkness was upon them this midsummer's night. An example needed to be set for all to see whom was in charge, and this dark Lord ordered that the villagers be skinned while alive, then cut off their heads placing it on stakes, and lastly hang the bodies upside down for the blood to spill to the ground.
that is a good two.