So... I am seriously freaked out about my father. He is going to start Chemotherapy tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. His last email to me, he said that surgery was out because it was too advanced (the cancer).
I know the title of this entry may be overly dramatic but that is what I am afraid of, that he'll die and I'll be burying him, and frankly, I am not ready for that.
Too many of my friends and family are sick or suffering with a sick relative, and I am finally beginning to understand 'survivor guilt' the worst thing happening personally to me is that I've got a financial dry spell as the change over from working nights to working days takes effect with the added bonus that my dental benefits have been exceeded for the year *rolls eyes* 'fine how much is that now?'
Finances I can deal with, people deathly ill and or dying and or having major health traumas around me is freaking me right out.
So... if I seem a little stressed; that is why.
19:36 Oct 13 2008
Oh, Bear... I am so awfully sorry to read about your Father :( How sad..I pray he gets through this and that things improve for him. I am thinking of you - Emmy..stay strong!