You would have thought I learned my lesson by now.
".... Don't fall asleep with the TV on"
".... Don't fall asleep with the radio on"
* I fell asleep with the radio on,
Pearl Jam's Last Kiss, playing. I dreamt about being in a hideous crash, my school bus stopped a red light and a 18 wheeler speeding towards me at 120 km/h. "Screaming tires, busting glass. The painful screams that I heard last"
* I fell asleep with the TV on, I dreamt I was an gray alien trying out a Virtual Reality game, of humans. I lived my life as a human.
I told my friend "Cool game." then the end credits for X-Files come on.
LAST NIGHT, I was watching Heroes, Episodes 1 to 7, and dreamt being in one of the episodes.
My saga of getting hit by cars
* 1989, I was racing down a street, my BMX has a brand new speedometer, I push downhill for 50 km/h, a pickup ignores a stop sign and I slam into the bonnet and windshield.
* 1993, I was racing down a sidewalk, the light turned red and a car now turned, I slammed into the side of the car, doing about 40 km/h - I destroyed my sister's bicycle in the process.
* 2002, a driver ignored me and I got run over.
* 2003, the same intersection, another driver ignores me and I got run over.
Other incidents
* 1990, On my BMX, I was doing downhill to home, clocking 60 km/h, pull onto the grass and pull both brakes. Both snap! So I slammed into a concrete wall.
* 1985 or 1986, after watching a Little Lulu cartoon, I take an umbrella, climb onto the roof and jump off with the umbrella. A mere 6 meter (20 feet) drop. Turns out an open umbrella does not slow down my fall .... ouch. MEDIC!!!
* 1985, the kindergarten teacher watching the playground rotates, from experience we know that no one is watching us for 30 seconds. We climbed the trees. I was 10 meters up when the teachers returned. She yelled at me to come down, halfway down, I slipped and fell. I landed on the roots of the tree. My spine was fucked up for 9 months !
And still, no broken bones !
Lucas is his brother, 3 years old.
Liam has a great personality. He is easy going and very determined. When he wants to get something he tries with all his might to get it. When he see's someone laughing he will laugh with you. He watches Lucas all the time and tries to join in with Lucas to play.
When they have a bath together they have a blast. Water ends up everywhere, buts its all good. He likes playing with Lucas in the sand box. He is definitely curious about everything. He loves music and starts to move to the beat when he heres it. We have a little drum that Liam uses a stick to play.
He is a really good eater. He loves pretty much everything. He is now drinking from the sippy cup by himself. I can see two more teeth on the bottom that are still in the gums but will be coming out soon.
We have to go for his 1 year check up at the doctors office on May 14 I will tell you how much he weights then but I can tell you there is not much difference between him and Lucas.
Liam is getting around with greater ease. He stands up at the window in the kitchen or anywhere that there is not much support. I have seen him let go for a moment and grab back on.
He is now walking along the furniture so I am sure within a short time he will walk. He also started trying to climb. We have to close all the gates in our house because the other day I watched Liam crawl to the stairs leading up he then managed to get onto the first step and his hand was heading towards the second. He's really good at climbing.
Lucas took the cushions off the couch the other day to make a tent and Liam got himself up on the couch.