I have 16 spots open in my mentorship. If anyone under level 80 would like an invite feel free to message me.
I have no real requirements for pupils,and all that I ask is that people put a mentorship banner on their profile within 48 hours of joining. I don't think that is asking too much. I don't even really expect people to post in the forums but they are there if you choose to do so or not, I can care less either way.
I also know a thing a two about editing a profile, but just don't ask me how to help you make a scroll box or one those fancy navigation things. I just never really cared for them.
17:29 Mar 05 2015
But I really wanted to Know how to make scroll boxes and a fancy navigation thingy with a transparent background and glowing text. Hey maybe even an icon shaped like a shark with a freaking laser beam on his head.
17:29 Mar 05 2015
Shut up Deosil!