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So I have come to the conclusion that my cell phone is a bad influence. It's always telling me where I can buy medical cannabis.
I wake up and it's like Heyyy! buy one bag of cannabis get one free concentrates and Vape pens. Oh This is the strain of the year. Here's where you can get it Dray.
Oh heyyy hey hey!! Don't forget to stock up for the Xmas weekend. Go Stuff your stockings with all the medical cannabis you can legally purchase!!!
This is some bullshit. The level of automation is ridiculous. I'm basically the Machine! The way they all just shift in one direction and over lap the others is unreal. I can sometimes see the red lasers, I think it's going to be another long week in Christmas Hell.
I feel a presence here as if a, spirit is here visiting with me. It's hard to describe, but it's quite possible they just wanted to participate in my recreational activities. I'm currently partaking in. Maybe ghosts like medical cannabis too?