I have not one but three job interviews this week, the first today, then tomorrow and Thursday. The suit will be getting quite a workout! All this activity better land me a job though... *grumbles*. I don't have enough money for all the bus trips otherwise....
*stab stab stab*
O.O Who you be stabbin'? Can I help? *grabs a pitchfork*
Did you know that they say stabbing is the hardest way to kill someone? Not so much physically hard, but mentally hard. Yeah, because stabbing someone is such a personal action; getting close physically to the victim, feeling the blade slide past the flesh and into the body. Supposedly only the most cruel and cold of killers can do it. Most prefer the easier method of pulling a trigger from a distance.
*shrugs* Just some useless information rattling around in my brain.
Yes, but sometimes it's the way that helps the best too.
OUCH you killed me and I thought we are friends lol