Mar 23 2013 7 ill give her whatever you wanna be bullies take stop trying to drag more people into to crazy drama you twats
Mar 23 2013 7 ill give back whatever you take asshole your a bully not everyone has to give positive honor or cancer wouldnt have made it that way get a life you losers
Mar 23 2013 7 ill give her whatever you dumb asses take
Mar 23 2013 7 seems it bothers you oh well get a life not all like you trolls so fuck off yu wanna be bullies
Mar 23 2013 7 ill give back whatever you take asshole your a bully not everyone has to give positive honor or cancer wouldnt have made it that way get a life you losers
Mar 22 2013 -6
Mar 22 2013 -6
Mar 22 2013 -6
Mar 22 2013 -6
Mar 22 2013 6 Diabolique-Karmina? that wasnt a very honorable thing you just did bullying a member already bullied enough by teetee and guru
Thanks for the negative honor .. like I said I dont care ... Oh Im bullying her ? Really ? She fucking harassed my member Leon along with the rest of your diseased ridden clan . That he decided to delete his profile . He complained every day he had some ridiculous message from Nell or Ana and he just was sick of it .. so in the end he decided he had enough of their bullshit and left . So I gave her 1 negative honor for harassing my member which I think was fair !I didnt call her names .. Unlike you bitch . and if you dont like my taking her honor too fucking bad .... thats what this system is for .. to take honor from those who act dishonorable . Simple . Yet you feel the need to insult people so go fuck yourself . too bad you didnt leave your name would had been alot more fun that way :p
18:08 Mar 26 2013
Again I must say you are one powerful person Karmina ! maybe they all are just scared of you !but if I were you I would get a can of Lysol disinfectant and spray down your page !! you know they gotta carry germs , and have crusty asses .
18:38 Mar 26 2013
yea I just put a big condom over my computer now cuz you never know who comes on your page LOL **shivers**
and if its who I think it is .. hes nothing but a toad with genital warts anyhow oh wait u cant give them to urself can you ?
19:09 Mar 26 2013
if this were true Karmina, he'd only need to click the facebook block button which he never has..why is this hmmm??? Notice you left out the convo which relates to your -18 my honor and trying to claim at fist it wasn't you. Why not just admit it upfrount instead claiming that you had no problem with me, when you clearly do. Look if you don't like me..simple - leave me alone. And ps. your henchman taste trolls my pro weekly and his journals are creepily obsessive..just saying.
02:41 Mar 27 2013
Um I think I said I took ur honor and the reason behind it .. lets see Nell lets weigh the importance here ... a member .. or honor .. ummm honor .. or a member ... yea I think u came out ahead here .. and I only took it once .. and your cronies have been on both my pages insulting me and taking mine .. so just leave me alone .. ok .. Im done with this .. I don't know why you are making such a big deal over honor .. it means NOTHING! your not going to win a prize with it ( unless someone didn't tell me something ) Im just really tired of it .. so stay off my page I will stay off yours keep my name out of your mouth and I will keep your name out of mine .. fair ?