Dhyan's Journal

Dhyan's Journal


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Dancing through time by me

02:04 Jul 10 2011
Times Read: 529

Dancing through time

Holding my beloved's wheat hair and hand at my heart

This is not how I wanted it from the start

This is a story is serious and true

Men and women hear me now

From my death is not a show

I tell you this

It is in first love's kiss

You realize it is not wise and does not miss

It's a mixture of pleasure and bliss

This is a tale of angel and demons

Come from afar if you get my meaning

This is a spiritual battle not of the mind

Before christ and the sands of time

Once was a castle with a strong man

Sitrring up battles like no one could or can

Dzyan knew the right word

There you were if you heard

The call of battlement from horns of angels and man

Defeating demons yes together like no one can

Without eachother there was love and mirth

we stole the soul of this man

Carried it through horses and lots of land

Then one day the demon overdrew

alll the boundries we once knew

you ask what can bring a demon or man to it's feet?

It's the sight of a woman with red hair that took him complete

He never understood why we fought nor cared

Till the day she walked into our lives

this woman was unique and survived

something no man or angel ever could

that Eve and Adam were totally misunderstood

Dzyan's eys looked into eyes of irish green

Dhyan felt something in the air and had eyes that gleened

Sparkles everywhere , a sight never seen

This demon fell to his knees and stopped killing and being mean

All he had to do was look at her , the sight he had never seen

This woman gave him water, and a glance

He wanted to understand love and romance

She was well rounded not thin

she was not common to sin

she was a seer nothing more

God granted her gifts like none has before

She could walk on water, slow down time, even sing so beast would sleep

She could walk in such away people were scared and some angels even did weep

Her soul was something different , that caught him that day

She walked up to him with just water and a glance and walked a way

He broke out of the box we had him in

He wanted to know her and why she did not fit in

Michael took this as a sign of favor and to seize the woman and make him pay

He saw she was a key, that could bring Dzyan down that day

He didn't know how but he'd take Dzyan down

Looking at Dhyan, he did frown

For why did God make her so powerful yet no one was her match?

Dzyan was loose but would be easy to catch

In a garden where wild roses did blume

She stir her magic song, a haunting tune

She would dance and sing to each flower

As she shined , they would sway with power


an hid in the sahdows , looking and listening to her for hours

Singing, dancing, and watering the garden of black wild flowers

The smell of black rose sweeter than a midnight's dream

Brought him around looking at her skin like cream

She looked like she had no clue evil was not seen

Dzyan looked waiting to grab her and pounce, not to be mean

But something snapped when she started to sway and sing

lips of angel, song to soothe the soul, wanting her soul like nothing he had ever wanted a painful sweet sting

She dashed through the garden something made her run and scream

Michael and I brought her to our world and like a horrible dream

Michael had his sword and turned to Dzyan into a plan

To sting Dzyan hard and turn him from demon into a man

His powers would be split between him and I

Taking it to God to destroy and never be seen again

Dzyan was quick and fought like no one brought him to pain

But we won for he didn't want Dhyan harmed and would kill us both, she was scared, if he knew our weakness it was the end of the line

HE saw my soul and my sweet valentine

His powers inside killed me slow

Michael's powers grew daily and Dzyan did know

that we would die for what we did was not complete

Dhyan was forced to marry Micahel, which she would be placed in a towerto keep

Not much sun, no flowers, no song, she was dying because in her heart sheknew

That Michael didn't love her, and she was locked up for some other reason

Dzyan knew in his heart that she could change the season

A mere man but walked up to the tower

bringer of a single black rose flower

Dzyan got me first and almost got my wife

Realizing all along he wanted to end my life

Watching Dzyan speak a word

I fell to the floor, dying

watching my wife crying

I said dzyan this is not how I wanted it to be

He looked in my eyes and did see

The council of 12 laid out the plan

That michael would ne raised from angel to man

Dzyan grew angry by each fleeting moment taking a sword and going forward

He released Dhyan and Michael came toward

Dzyan protected her but she smelled the rose and energy flowed out of chaos the power

She walked between them in the tower

Enough is all she said

Michael was dead

She began to cry for it was in her head

A light from heaven powered to her and slew him

Dzyan got his powers back, but micahel inside him

Dzyan grabbed Dhyan and kissed her

as though they knew eachother and he did miss her

deep inside never knowing

that even a demon could be glowing

Dzyan met his match on that day

Dhyan won him over with a word she did say

love, was what she dis ask God, and he did bring it to her true

In that kiss she looked at him and just knew

They would dance between heaven and earth

Feeling love deep, warmth, and mirth

Till deep old age

Till the dawning of the new age

They would pick bdies and romance all over again

Till the day Dzyan met Max and Dhyan met Tara


but never complete

Their never dies

In earth and the skies

Written by Jade Bloodaxe@copyrighted2010



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