Things to make yourself ponder01:30 May 08 2007
Times Read: 713
You scored highest in Channeling.
One who communicates with spirits is called a channeler or medium. Channelling is the ability to communicate with those who once lived or with spirit who have never taken a human form such as angelic beings. Channeling is the communication that takes place between a spirit and a living human. There are several forms of spirit communication and a channeler does not have to be in a trance state to receive messages. However, with regard to the quality of channelled information it is reliant on the channeler rather than the spirit. This is because the information has to be passed in an energy form for interpretation from the channeler. If the channeler has not learnt the skill adequately the information can seem vague and jumbled.
Channeling can be a learned skill. As you learn though, it is important to remember that everyone has a different experience of what it is like to channel. Your style will depend on your spirit guide and your particular energy level, focus, and clarity. Before consciously channelling it is a good idea to learn the skills of quietening the mind. This is to ensure the quality of information you receive. Many people however, experience 'unconscious' channelling a random act of communication with a loved one who has passed over. This means a person has the ability to successfully channel but has not yet developed it.
Your next highest score was for Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see images of an event or events that occurred in the past, present or future. This type of 'seeing' does not occur with your physical sight it occurs with an inner sight. Sometimes these images will be a literal translation other times they are symbolic. It is necessary to develop this skill further in order to more accurately determine if an image is literal or symbolic. The 'third eye' (chakra at the centre of the forehead) is associated with being the seat of clairvoyance. When the third eye is developing and stretching to open up to clairvoyant skills it can give off a tight feeling in the centre of your forehead, a desire to rub it or a constant irritation with your hair if it covers it.