DestroyingAngel's Journal

DestroyingAngel's Journal


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14 entries this month

20:56 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 688

I finally crashed. Sweeeeet.

Was awsome...woke up with hair in my face and mouth. An awkward wedgie...t.v. still on cartoon network.

I want more coffee. I NEED more coffee. The day will need lots of coffee and slipknot.




07:34 Jul 27 2010
Times Read: 700

*sings like the cotton commercial*

The touch.

The feel.

Of strippers. The lapdance of your life...

Whoa. I don't know where that came from.




18:35 Jul 25 2010
Times Read: 710

How's this for edgy AYW...lol! Smart ass...*rofl*



14:23 Jul 26 2010

lmao! ok that one i like ^.^


05:46 Jul 25 2010
Times Read: 724

Seether got really played out but psycho turned me on to this one. I got her back with fine again, which worked out well...

Fuck me like you hate me and art tonight.




23:20 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 740

I get an email with this bullshit right here.

A request asking to spiffy it up and make it edgy. Fix it and make it edgy. What the fuck, chuck? Im already having a panic attack and I haven't even started. My brain is in my ass today too...

Looks like it'll take a bit to do.



08:49 Jul 25 2010

hide a ghostbuster in the pic somewhere hehe


22:08 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 744

Time for me to perk up a bit. Some sexy party always helps...




07:26 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 754

My random thing of the night...I went into Los Angeles the other day. Ummmm, freaking WOW it's an ugly nasty place lol. It's scuzzier than hollywood. It was just way nasty there....

This night is looking like it's gonna be slow and boring. It's definatley gonna need a little Static X....



02:08 Jul 25 2010

I don't fancy LA either...Northern Cal is so much nicer!


21:15 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 780

Im still waiting to see this....Phantasmagoria. Take a peek if you haven't already. Marilyn Manson. There's another celebrity I could bitch slap. Needs to lay off the absinthe and make a decent album already. Still, looks like it's gonna be kinda cool.



21:31 Jul 19 2010

I know! Im dying to see it too...it looks like its going to be amazing..but Im not surprised considering who is making it..lol..

02:11 Jul 25 2010

Now - that was wierd...

I'm rooting for the lil' white rabbit.


22:41 Jul 18 2010
Times Read: 794

JONO! Whats up with the block, tardo?! Then you comment in my journal.....? Were you drunk? Stoned? Hell even I dont make bad's like that lol.... Take that shit off before tear your testicles clean off. Seriously man, are you TRYING to get my evil side out in a whole new way or what? *smacks you in the face and degrades you* TAKE IT OFF, BITCH! Im about to get pissy with your tall ass.....

*mumbles* damn brits and their BS spilling into our shit *rofl*

Im going to hell Jono....I know :P



02:29 Jul 19 2010

I don't know who he is, but I'll assume that he'll like the bitch-slapping and the degradation.

08:31 Jul 19 2010

Lol well technically I have no idea how I did that but I've in done it so there you go so I should be back in your good books now

X x x


04:44 Jul 18 2010
Times Read: 815

Wow, apart of my soul just died...

Found out my sister is a...a....twilight fan. I broke out into a cold sweat and had to sit near the fan until I recovered. The cherry on this one was when she told me that my brother in law turned HER on to it. I asked her if he had a vagina and she laughed. I guess when he goes to burger king he desires a little 'team edward' between his buns *rofl*

This is actually sad. Wasn't it just yesterday we were trading alice in chains album's to listen to. Fuck, now he's twilight fan. At least my nephew doesnt like it. He's got taste, thank god...my god this shit's gotta stop.



06:08 Jul 18 2010

sparkly vampires suck bad

07:57 Jul 18 2010

lol Its funny beacuse they make them out to be vicious predators....hunters... that light up in the daylight....thats like a cow saying hes invisible in a green field.

12:22 Jul 18 2010

I don't mind Twilight, but I don't see what all the fuss is about, either.

16:24 Jul 18 2010

I have watched it and read the books , I just laugh it is kind of funny.


00:06 Jul 18 2010
Times Read: 821

Okay....I need a good laugh. I know what will do the trick, a little cheese....Richard Cheese of course! A little lounge against the machine.




02:49 Jul 14 2010
Times Read: 831

Im gonna lose it with playlist soon.

Also....Jono is gonna be swimmin' with fishies soon. Im gonna kick your testicles into your throat, man........ROFL...stick you somewhere near that cap they put on to the BP spill.........mmmmhmmm. Freaking Fucker lol.




16:40 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 835

One those craptacular days Im having....

Randomness. I hurt someone's feelings. Great. Randomness. I miss your navigational skills in this wasteland, Danny. Fucking where are you, man? I got a fucking cameo of your dumb ass last summer...your old lady is a dick now days. You know it too.

Danny could well come across shit on here.*eyes dart back and forth*

RANDOMNESS. Oh..uh...Jono man... Cuz you do read my shit definatley...Im gonna FUCKING HURT you soon *smiles*. Will hurt you lonnnnnnng time :)



08:33 Jul 15 2010

Sounds like fun when do we start


11:31 Jul 10 2010
Times Read: 862

Alrighty, so I moved...again. Yikes. Same city and all....just a better place with more offered here. As soon as I moved in I ended up getting a MASSIVE kidney infection which brought me to my knees and a good friend (here on vr) called me and and told me to go to the emergency room. I didnt want to....the doctors here NEVER take shit seriously...but it was my kidneys and since I couldnt stop sleeping and running fevers (not to mention the agonizing pan), I dropped the stubborn act and called 911. Turns out that my bloodwork came back abnormal so they tested it again and again, my bloodwork was still very abnormal. They admitted me into the hospital within three hours which is unusual because this valley has one hospital and it's over crowded....so unless it's serious they will NOT admit you. I was admitted on the 2nd and released on the 8th. Kind of a lengthy stay. I called up my mother and stepfather because I didnt know what was gonna happen and to my surprise, they came to visit me! They brought me a huge amazon red rose and a small beanie-like baby which was a rotwiler named Brutus lol. He's a plushy to be exact lol. I didnt let Brutus go. In fact, when 2am rolled around and I was sleepng...I had him tucked under my chin and when the nurse came in to put my pain meds in my I.V, I would hear her chuckle before my eyes fluttered open. "What?" I'd ask her, "Whats so funny?" She'd shake hear head and administer the meds with a grin and say, "It's just cute seeing a 31yr old sleeping with a stuffed animal is all.." I'd smile through the pain and hold Brutus up to her. "He's no ordinary stuffed animal, he's Brutus! I love my Brustus...my stepfather gave him to me," I' said proudly. Im so proud of Brutus that when I was discharged I almost freaked out thinkinking he was gone (but he was just under the bed luckily). Yes, this big bad Di Di had to have Brutus tucked under my chin even when leaving the hospital lol!

Im weak. Im in a LOT of pain.

The greatest thing happened today too. My sister got my new cell number from my mom and came to see me here at the house today....I GOT TO SEE MY NEPHEW!!!! Oh my god once he got out of the car I thought I'd never let him go. Even my sister was teary eyed. We had a long talk and made a pact. She swore she would call more and let me see my nephew alot more too. I can't believe he's 14yrs old and a little over 5'8!!! He towers over me 'cause I am 5'1 lol. He was all smiles to see me and he informed me that he's a fan of Creepshow too rofl. My sister, man. Thats all I gotta say. The family wonders why I turned out the way I did....hmmmm....could my sister have had a hand in that? When most girls were playing with dolls, I was watching flicks such as The Serpent and the Rainbow, Creepshow, The Exorcist and The Entity (damn scary flick by the way). Oher classics were The Amityvillie Horror, Any Tales from the crypt and of course, Tales from the Darkside! lol. Christian (my nephew) is a huge fan of True Blood too. I gotta hand it to the kid....he's got taste....plus a cool set of parents who let him watch it because they too are hooked. Im supposed to go out to lunch at the sidewalk cafe this week with them...............he'll have to catch me up on what I missed lol. Aside from my aching kidneys and pain....this was a good day and I just cant complain. I CANT BELIEVE I SAW MY NEPHEW!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!! My god it felt good to hug him and cry with him. Good tears. It felt great to let out my feelings with my sister too (after seeing the impact of me and Christian being apart, she cried and swore she couldnt see us like that anymore). Finally!! I hope it stays this way. It's got to....he's my special little guy (eventhough he towers over aunt Diana now lol).



12:31 Jul 10 2010

Sorry to hear about the health troubles, but it sounds like the family situation made up for it. Congrats : )

20:05 Jul 10 2010

I am sending reiki your way , and sometimes it takes almost losing someone to realize you really love and need them in your life. You add spice to the family. :-)

01:20 Jul 12 2010

Wow...I hope you're healing well, hon.

Amazing how family can come together during a crisis, huh?

Enjoy your lil' beanie baby!

23:53 Jul 12 2010

Missing you

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