I'm the girl who once danced circles around you. Im the girl with the shady past. Im the girl who's had a gun held to her head. Im the girl who had her cheekbone fractured with an, "I love you," behind it. I'm the girl who tries to find humor in almost any situation. Im the girl who is taking each day/night at a time.
Im the girl you'll abandon. Im the girl you might recall from some place somewhere. As of this point....all I can think of is...when I die...I wanna be layed down in my coffin face first. It's easier to kiss my ass that way...
Fuck you sandman for never coming
Fuck you Lupus
Fuck the old biker tribe
Fuck forever
Fuck myself for being so angry!!!
Fuck you (a special male friend) for giving up when you said you never would!
Fuck being sweet
Fuck being nice even when I just don't feel like it!
Fuck human emotions
Fuck you Diana, you failed!
Now that I got that off my chest...*sighs*
I still dont feel any better though. Im not saying I would ever do it....but it's nights like this I can understand why my father killed himself...
Off to that big giant bed alone. I better get used to it too. The world shuts down...I think I will too.
No Trust
Still Hoping
Sick and tired
Something to smile about
Something to blush over
Never like this before...
Wow. What do you do when you can't undo? When you can't speak? When you are rendered speechless...when it's not good.
All of these things...
And I don't know if I can even give a fuck anymore.
If you dont know why I suck, thats more than fine at the moment, and you needn't concern yourself with it too much. But I do.
I do a lot of bitching and venting and seen like I have nothing but selfish thoughts in this head. I swear they're not or supposed to be. They're genuine. I have much I vent and get off my chest which I suppose is easier than just taking an intake of things to be grateful for what I have instead of what I don't.
Im grateful for having a roof over my head still. When it comes up then everyone just shuts up. Sorry if financial burden on top of problems isn't glamorous or is dramtic...but it's real fucking real and real fucking scary to me. I think financial slumps are worst when they keep taking your nightly 'thank you for's and fill them in with more, "Dear (insert saviour name here), please help us to afford..."
That's scary to me. I dont ever remember my prayers being like that. So, I refuse to vent too much lol... because my thankful list is short tonight, but...I still have one tonight. Im thankful for that. Things have been way worse and I don't wanna revisit anytime soon.
I am thankful for my friend no matter how spazzy he can be on here.
Im thankful for the small clique of people in my life.
Ah well...starvation was always the best vanity weightloss diet ever! lmao!
What else is on the platter O'Wake tonight...
Intense feelings of frustration and sadness for a very special friend who is never aware of some of the things they say to me, im sure of it. I want to sometimes cry out of how those things slice into me. I never will.
Im getting that feeling. The one that misses. Im also remembering...im alone. Im alone in that bed. Fuck. Okay, this is fun too (sarcastic). Getting used to it. Will never trust again. Getting used to there being space to roll over twice and inhale. Nobody. Nothing. Normal, evidentally. It's just not easy anymore. I miss sighs and stupid giggles in the dark or after I light candles.
Im thankful. I am grateful. I miss. I ache and I surrender now. Falling for somebody hurts. Falling away blasts holes into your chest...
As an old friend used to say to me. "Nevermind all that, Onward!"
Searching for honesty
One misguided step over the edge....
Terribly Sexually Aroused
Unusually sexually agressive.
Dead tired with that on my mind...
Yeeeeeah. Mmmmkay. Time for bed.
I dont get how some friend's are one way on VR and a total different way off of it. Does it turn up the evilness? Does the black backgrounds and red things remind you of when you first dressed goth and held a long stem rose. The goth cliche in itself lol. I ponder how this friend could praise chaos when knowing full well, having chaotic shit to reap is a bitch too. I also don't understand all the reason for the facade, because thats all it is. Outward the structure is firm and solid. Much like oak. Very heavy and hard. Inward, this person is actually intellectually stimulating.....now its once and a while since this friend resorted to being a jackass to me. *shrugs* Dunno if you happen to read this, but what you said, sucked and made me feel like crap. Just to let you know....
What the hell is that about? I cannot vent and bitch completley, I suppose...I have also met a handfull of strangers who have become very loyal and very honest friends with me. The rest have become kind and concerned souls that check in alot but have shit to do which is just fine by me too lol.
I've also had what I call the unkind. The unkind just revel in making you miserable. Im going through a difficult time as well 'unkind'. I don't always know how to act when suddenly all your vital emotions shut down. A particular 'unkind' has hurt me and I am pissy.
I find it rather strange that before I went to hit submit, a fragment from a poem of mine sorta popped in my head.
There is no end to the things that I would do
so your're saying you have "vr groupies"? lol
Yes, it's true how people still have the ability to hurt you (even if only a little), although you may have only spoken to them online.
11:45 Jan 31 2010
I'm hearing you here. Hopelessness and a deep sadness within are probably the two worst feelings a person can have. All I can say is try to concentrate on the good things such as those few friends. Sometimes that's all that will keep you sane.
16:41 Jan 31 2010