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When you feel the tears just sting and linger upon your bottom lids....and you're afraid to blink because that giant sized lump in your throat just wont go away.
And you take a deep breath and fight it...
and fight it some more.
This is like choaking. This is where your brain and heart make the soul take a stumble. It happens. It passes.
And then somebody goes, "Hey take a look at this!" and thats how this shit makes it here. I Hate crap with laugh tracks but this shit is truly funny. Through and through, freaking!
This is for YOU! You know who YOU are. Why? Fucking, why did you fucking hurt me with those choice parts that already leave me so fucking hollow (especially this time of year when I miss my freaking newphew and father so much?! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! *would hawk one right in your fucking face right now and fucking start tearing you to shreds or until you tap out*
Yeah, Im that way fucking hurt by you, now im to the point of rage. You flat suck right now you big giant ass and truth be told, I was thinking about tearing you a new ass hole in this fucking thing, but one of my REAL friends here conviced me you were'nt even that much of a waste of time and tried to talk about nice things. Why you felt the need to try to play ammature psychologist to me when you know full well that my plans to be with my nepew were recently dashed and I took a HUGE financial loss on top of it..fucking why?! Why are you scrutinizing my misery? Just stick to your own. We ALL have fucking sad stories and not enough tissues for our issues. You suck for keeping me up thinking about the first christmas I had when my dad died and the rest of my family scattered like marbles on a concrete floor. You suck for bringing up my other friends on here, WHO DO FUCKING CARE about me and my feelings. You may not...and thats fine. Im not here for you. I was. I tried but you made me feel terrible, I honestly don't think you are aware of what an ugly soul you came off as. Meaner the devils piss, you are. MEAN MEAN MEAN!!! Remember one thing, I wanted your friendship. I didn't want YOUR fucking remedy. I don't hate you (anymore) I just think that was some real fucked up and evil shit that was going on in that brain, home chick. If things are half as bad you so very vividly color in messages and so on, and it's that bad but somehow not that bleak for you too...then what the fuck, chuck, how come you 'break down' on every other day basis?! Shuddup, practice what you preach you freaking little shit, thats all I fucking say. By the way, are you fucking serious on the blocking? YOU apparently couldnt get MY attention enough then you block me? You fucking serious, so, we arent adults after this too...we gotta resort to that happy horse shit too? Go away for a while, I dont even wanna see your face in my last ten after this (because I know you were waiting for this, to see a 'reaction'). JUST PRETEND I AM FUCKING DEAD to you now, and know I will be doing the same. Okay?! Thanks.
...And it's JUST like that! *moves on...without you*
So, I guess writing something has gone out the window tonight since VR couldn't get it together again and the site keeps throwing people off. Mmmhmm. Anyways, I shall leave you with one more scene from a movie I dig, The number 23. This particular scene with Frabrizzia is put together so well and its another scene with just the right style of music. She wants revenge- Tear You Apart! Hell yeah!
So stoked! I finally got my digital art settled out now. So...somebody here (doesnt say which member/administrator) suspended me. Rather than to go about doing this one more time since it happened 2yrs ago with another member who lifted my suspension. The reason I kept getting suspended here was the copyright violations. Geeez, okay, whatever. They're linked now from my profile since....thats apparently, okay *shakes head at how stupid this all has been* Anyways, for those who liked it, and wanna take a peek...check out the link on my profile! Yay! Im so gonna go girly spooey now lol.
Here's some more useless shit to your world. As an aspiring film maker, this movie was an abortion, okay? Just flat sucked. The torture scene's were okay, and the fact that good ol fire crotch looked so hot in this scene that if I had a penis, she would have stricken it woodied. I love the scene and I love Steven Kodachi's 'How Long'. Youtube was cool enough to have this handy. Enjoy, Im gonna go write some shit now.
12:51 Dec 26 2009
your very much welcome sweety :) and thank you for the awesome compliment (forgot to add that in the message, lol), you rock *hugs*