That IS fucking awesome!
Now this is too cool! I know that it will be a totally rockin' card. Damn woman - you are too cool!
I cannot wait!
Extremely epiclly cool that you got permission. Good times for all. It is really awesome that they have given you that permission.
As always you have my support.
That's pretty.
Lovely card. Love the theme of the three women against the budda statue. It is another awesome card to add to your cards. Absolutely beautiful.
but but it's fun... oh ok :/
Not YOU Bella lol.
~hugs~ I'd hand you a nice cold beer too if you were closer :/ rest is good hope you get some honey.
nooooess! >:(
Depends... :P
ROFL! Sweeeeet.
If by panda bear you mean these peanut butter cookies I have then yes, feel free I share :D
and not my teddy either.
[a month younger than me, he'd be grisly.]
Hehe! Made ya look! LOL!
Actually, it's just another card I remade. Since I've been making them like crazy recently I decided that my original version of the Death card looked pretty crappy compared to the theme of the other cards. I had the same problem with the Moon card and remade that one later on too. I'm sticking with this new version for my Tarot deck.
Hey...I was Duped into reading this journal under false nakieness ...touche lol
The old card makes me think of the apocalypse, with chaos rampant.
The new card seems much more sinister, death by intelligent design.
I love it...but I loved the original one too, with it's imagery. The new one is more toned down.
These are amazing! You just ooze creativity with every goddamn thing that you do!
(I'd love that lil pink pail in my bathroom - lol)!
Awesome Job on these baskets.
Thank you Isis lol. So sweet of you to say that. I sooo wanna send you one lol.
Thank you Fiz...I had the best help on putting them together. ;)
19:54 Apr 30 2012
I'm really digging this one. :)
21:22 Apr 30 2012
So cool.
Perfect timing, too. Makes me think of Beltane.
22:08 Apr 30 2012
I've seen better lol
00:21 May 01 2012
03:24 May 01 2012
I love it! The cups represented by four candle pots - cool!
16:22 May 01 2012
LMAO Crypt! Yeah, So Have I lol. Thank you all for the kind comments. :)