DerMetzgermeister's Journal


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Wow, what a week...

08:18 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 761

Ever since I got back from the Lamb of God concert, this whole week has been quickly plunging downhill. First my mom's blood pressure had been through the roof, shes been in and out of the emergency room a few times already. Ive already lost my dad... I dont know what I would do if I lost my mom too...

Aside from that, Ive been getting shat on pretty regularly by customers all week. On Tuesday I had to go into work an hour early (9am) to get all the prep done for the day because we had a rather large delayed order that had to be at kure beach pier (which is about 4 miles outside our area) at 11am.

Ive delivered to this particular group (Ocean Studies for middle schoolers that live in the middle of NC) a few times before, as they come down every year around spring break. This particular group is notorious for making large orders that we usually have to bend the rules to make, and for being shitty tippers. Ive actually delivered to them a few times within the 5 years Ive worked for Papa Johns, the last one being the year before last. That order was a smaller than this, but I was given exact change, and no tip.

This year, they had 2 separate groups that each had their own order, one at 11am and the other at 12:30pm. The first being 23 large pizzas, half cheese and half pepperoni for $124.05, and the other being 30 pizzas and 18 2L drinks for $189.13. Along with the pizzas they got plates, napkins, and cups (which we dont usually have and had to go buy for them). The total of $313.18 works out to $5.90 per pizza, and if you add in the drinks and go by price per item (not including the plates, cups, or napkins) it drops down to $4.40 per item, and thats after tax. If you were to order that many pizzas and drinks at menu price, it would cost 441.42, thats a $128.24 discount people.

When the first order was ready, I packed it up into 6 bags, crammed them all into my little escort, then hauled ass down there. I was at the pier at 11am on the dot. When I went in to ask where to put the pizzas I asked one of the chaperons for a hand getting all 6 bags to the end of the 700ft long pier. With a pissed off tone, this was the answer he gave me: "Youre the one getting paid to bring us the damn pizza, you do it." I thought to myself "Youre an asshole, but youre right." As I made trip after trip as fast as I could, the only thing that I could think of was how much bullshit I had already went through this early in the day, and that I probably wasnt going to get any kind of monetary compensation from these assholes for dealing with it.

After getting everything unloaded, I did a quick check to make sure that I didnt leave anything in my car, then I went for the payment. The computer printed check that the woman pulled out of her pocket was for $125.00 for this $124.05 order.


Obviously pissed off, I went back to the store to help get the second, larger, order ready by noon. Oh, how I was contemplating fucking with the pizzas in one way or another... But, goddamn my conscious, it wouldnt let me. I kept thinking "well this is a bigger order, $189.13, maybe theyll hook me up on this one."

This one was even worse than the first


Not even a full dollar, it didnt even pay for the gas I used getting down there. This one was filled to the brim with bullshit. Instead of taking it to the pier, I had to go to the "party boats" (depending which boat youre on, theyre either large charter fishing boats or floating clubs ) in the harbor. The class wasnt back from their trip yet, so I had to sit around for 15 minutes waiting on them to get back before they went on their 2nd cruise. Again, I got no help as I had to lug all 30 large pizzas and 18 2L drinks onto the boat and up a flight of steps by myself.

That day, when I got off of work, I walked out of the store with $13... With 9 deliveries. The average tip out in our area for 9 runs adds up to about $28. The entire day smelled of rancid dog shit. Nothing good about it whatsoever, but even the bullshit of Tuesday had nothing on what happened Wednesday.

Wednesday started out great, aside from having to come on an hour early again to help with another delayed order. This time for 40 pizzas at noon. That one was a good delivery though, they gave me a $25 tip and when unloading the order, I wasnt even able to grab one of the bags before 5 adults had already grabbed every single bag from my car and unloaded them. THAT is how any large delayed order should be paid for and helped with.

Everything was going fine that day, until about 2pm. I took a pickup order from a woman who wanted to use 2 of the same coupons.

Heres how the convo went:

Me: Thank you for choosing Papa John's Pizza, this is Adam speaking, how may I help you today?

Stupid cunt: Hi, I have a couple coupons for a $4.99 medium one topping pizza for carry out. I would like to use both of them.

Me: You cant do that.

SC: What do you mean? Why not!!??

Me: Coupons are restricted to one coupon per person, per visit, and are not valid with any other offer.

(Demanding, agitated tone)

SC: Well do it anyway!

Me: ... No.

SC: Why not?! Who is gonna get you, the pizza police?

(Starting to get pissed off)

Me: ... I just told you the reason why. Read the fine print on the coupon.

SC: Well I cant read that small, so it dosent matter. Do it anyway.

Me: No, woman, I wont. You cant see England if you stand on the beach and look across the ocean, but that dosent mean that its not there. The computer wont let me and my manager would get pissed off at ME if I did do it. And if you dont calm down, Ill hang up and you can take your business elsewhere.

We get her pizzas made and wait for her to pick it up. 45 minutes pass and she still hasnt shown. Just as were about to cancel her order, she calls back.

Convo #2:

SC: Where are you guys located?

Me: Near monkey junction, next to salt water marine.

SC: Oh damnit, Im at the wrong store.

Me: Are you at the one on Shipyard blvd? (10 miles NW of our store)

SC: No, Im at the pizza hut in Carolina beach. (7 miles S)

*attempting to get off the phone with her so I can get going on my 2 deliveries*

Me: Well, now you know where we are, its ready for you to pick up. Thank you for calling, bye now...

SC: Wait! I just got out of the Food Lion and I have milk and ice cream in my car. Its getting hot and is going to melt soon. Can you just deliver it to my house? (her house is 3 miles north of the store, she would have passed right by us on her way home)

Me: Ma'am, I have 2 other deliveries that are over 20 minutes old and going the complete opposite direction than your house. Aside from that, my boss wouldnt like me doing that because it will delay any other order that comes through while Im gone. It would be better if you picked it up.

SC: Your manager wont mind. What is he gonna do? Call the pizza police? (again) Just stop arguing and do it. IM the customer, and the customer is always right.

(Getting VERY pissed by now)

Me: This is not McDonalds, this is Papa Johns. Sometimes the customer is wrong, as in this case. Ill let you talk to my manager and if he says its ok, then Ill do it. Hold on a sec.

SC: Come on! I have ice cream in my car! Its melting! Just do it.

She continues to bitch, moan, and argue until I finally say "Fuck it, whatever. Its going to be another 45 minutes or so though" She paid with her card over the phone, and was very impatient when giving me the numbers. Because of that we had to run it 3 times. I rung up her price and got off the phone. My manager Clark told me that she had called and added a cinnapie to her order, and I had charged the order the wrong price. She didnt pick up when we called. We ran the correct total through and voided the first one out, then I went and took the order. I showed up at her door about 40 minutes later. She opened the door and before I could even say a word, she started the 3rd convo.

SC: Youre late and youre at the wrong house.

*confused look*

Me: Um... No, maybe? Its only been 40 minutes since we talked last, I said it would have been at least 45, but Im here early if anything. This is the address on the box, so thats where I took it.

SC: I told the guy to go to Spencer Farlow dr! Not here! (10 miles south of the store, 13 from where I was)

Me: No... You didnt. I was the one you talked to. You said nothing about taking it there.

SC: Well you better get on the road, my son is hungry.

*she attempted to close the door in my face*

Me: Ma'am wait.

SC: What?! Go take my son his food!

*my patience with this bitch finally snapping*

Me: No! Im not going anywhere else with your fucking pizza!

SC: What? You better, Ill call the store and get you fired!

Me: Woman, I go out of my way to give you a deal on pizza , I bend the rules and take your pizza that was a pick up to your house, and you demand me around like this? I even still let you keep the CARRY OUT PRICE! It was YOUR fault that you went to Pizza Hut instead of our store, and I catch shit because of it? Fuck that! Either you fucking sign for this order RIGHT NOW, or I take this back to the store and cancel the order.

This argument goes on until she slams the door in my face and I call her a stupid cunt as I walk away.

I get back to the store, and I hear that she had called up and said that I threatened her, saying that I was going to give her credit card number out to everyone and she was calling the cops. My boss had to "fire" me so I could go home and wait to see if cops showed up.

When the cops came and got my side of the story, and heard all my co-workers backing me up, especially my boss, they arrested the woman for "filing false charges."

Ill be seeing her in court soon when I sue for decimation of character, lost wages, slander, and my lawyer fees.



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