1 entry this month
Lilith Eclipse\01:04 Oct 16 2010
Times Read: 865
The room was round, the walls the colour of deepscarlet, the ceiling an azure blue. Faintly the form of Nuit streached across it, her feet and her hands touching a crimson carpet.
The chambre was aligned in the form of a compass, the cardinal points designated by two foot long caandles the flames forming erie shadows as we moved about to set up the altar.
A intricatly carved dark hardwood table with legs like birds with talons as their feet was placed in the North, and draped with a black velvet covering.
We spoke in reverent whispers as we prepared the ritual cup and placed the athame, wand, and censur upon a silver tray. Seven dark blue candles, each consecreted with the fluids from my body were placed in a semicircle around the altar. Into the burning coals of the censur was placed a mixture of incense of rare and exotic herbs, including aconite, belladona, and myrre.
The acrid fragrent smoke filled the chambre, the flickering candlelight danced with the swirling smoke forming shadowy phantoms on the walls. An ornate black velvet lined wooden box was placed in the centre of the alter, it contained two sterile stainless steel sheathed needles, alcohol swabs and sterile cotton pads. Also was a small vial containing herbs and absinthe which had been steeping for seven days.
I lay skyclad on a large crimson cushion as the Priest began the invocation, forming the circle with the wand, the censur,and and the athame. Then began the evocation to Lilith, the Mother of Vampyres, Secubus, and Wytch. I was the chosen woman who would become her human host. I could feel my heart beating with the metre of the evocation, could feel the wetnes in my body as I anticipated her using me as her vessel.
The Priest opened the box and removed the vial. He inserted the needle into his arm andhis blood ran into the tube, then into the vial.
My body had begun to shake, and my eyes saw only the crimson fluid, and I salivated with the hunger of lust and blood . I took the needle and pushed into my vein, my sacred blood spurted from out of the tube and onto the face an chest of the priest, my priest who I would drink my blood andbe bound to me for all eternity. The insatiable lust made me shudder with pleasure as I licked the blood from his chest and from his face, my mouth opened upon his as we kissed deeply, his body pushing against mine. My blood filled the vial, and our blood mixed, a potion of lust and desire. I drank first fom his shaking hands, letting a portion run out the side of my mouth to pull him deeper into my spell.
I began to spin around the room and the candles flared up wildly with my dance, but I left no shadow. I pushed the dazed priest down upon the cushion and straddled him, my body moving upon him, my nails tearing at his back and my teeth sinking into his flesh, but he moaned in exquisite pain as we felt erotic waves of extacy overcome us.
We awoke together, entwined, I licked the clotted blood from his back, and we kissed passionatly as lovers. The taste of blood and wormwood in our mouths remained, but Lilith had gone. I remember only the scent of her as she entered me, of musk and patchouli.
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