The Number of the Beast
06:55 Jul 19 2007
Times Read: 708
The author of the book of Revealation, or Apocalypse, was John. He was not the John who was an apostle. He was exiled to the island of Patmos by the Roman emporer Domitian (81-96 ce). It is believed John wrote the book near the end of that emporers reign.
Since Hebrew and Greek letters have numerical equivalents, the number of the beast (666) is the sum of the seperate letters of his name. There are mass interpretations of who the number refers; although Neron Caesar in Hebrew letters, without the final n, would account for the varient 616.
Aleister Crowley, due to his mother calling him "a beast", identified himself as such. This of course became the core of his theology, which includes Babalon. The y was changed by Crowley to change the meaning, as in the Hebrew letters representing numbers, to fit into his vision. His association with 666 added fuel to the fire, already burning out of control.
The book by John was added to the Bible almost as an afterthought. The Jesus portrayed in the New Testament is not the same personality as the judge he becomes in Revealation. Many have been intimidated by the fire and brimstone , and the fear of Ghenna, without which preachers would have little to sway their flock.
There has been way to much attention placed on this Revealation. It is a theological fantasy, dreamed up by an exiled saint living on a 5x10 mile island, and eating insects and leaves. It does not, in my opinion, describe the end of the world. The beast 666 has only significance to those who believe in the Devil, or Thelemites. 93/93
00:03 Jul 02 2007
Times Read: 741
This is the most recent version of the Black Veil, all previous versions are obsolete. DemianA
Revised, February 23rd, 2007
© Copyright 1997-2007 The Sanguinarium, all rights reserved. The Black Veil is a trademark of SABRETOOTH. Permission granted to reproduce in while without modification.
...there are two types of laws; just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws...a just law is a code [that] squares with the moral law...rooted in eternal law and natural law.
- from Letter from Birmingham City Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King
This is the ONLY edition of the Veil endorsed by the original author; SABRETOOTH and is the foundation of ethics for the Sanguinarium. Previous editions have high merits; however, they have not fully captured or expressed in words how to avoid potential liabilities in the tangible Dayside realities of the mundane world. These realities must be first addressed in order to ensure the security and prosperity of the Family. Those Strigoi Vii or Black Swans who violate these laws within the Family may, at least, face banishment or permanent excommunication. In reality they are betraying themselves by giving up their own opportunity to achieve Zhepr through their own actions.
We Strigoi Vii are socially responsible individuals, and the consequences of Our actions may have various, often negative, repercussions as We become more visible to the Dayside world. Those who proudly bear the Legacy Ankh close to their hearts, be they Strigoi Vii or Black Swan, make the statement that they are upholding the Black Veil. These acts are innate common sense for the responsible members of Our Family. The Black Veil gives us the freedom and foundation to be powerful by avoiding issues that may get in Our way.
Secrets protect and bind Us to the foundation of these Laws. Our Mysteries are Our own and those who wish to explore them should seek them out alone, through personal initiative and action. As a sleight of hand magician would employ the principle of “hidden in plain sight,” so does the Living Vampyre. Honor one’s choice of privacy, for example, in regards to their mundane identity, and never disclose any personal information without explicit permission. This law is also extended between Vampyres. Let the individual make the choice to reveal even the most basic facts of themselves, such as being Strigoi Vii, their level of initiation, the mundane personal information, etc., to others.
Public discussion of Strigoi Vii and the Mysteries with the media, in public forums, or with those not of the Blood or Black Swan is an obvious violation of this law. At all times speak only for yourself and not for the whole of the Family. Leave that to those select members of the Priesthood who are properly trained in public relations. Never share the contents of the Sanguinomicon with those who have not read Our Mysteries. Let Seekers solve the Mysteries on their own.
Adherence to the laws of Our local governments, even if We disagree with them, is essential to provide Us the freedom to explore Our Nightside nature. If We disagree with mundane laws, We must strive to be individually and socially responsible enough to change them through mundane legal means. Our Laws are Our own!
Strigoi Vii view Blood as a symbol and metaphor of the subtle life-force, better known as prana, chi or ki. We extend this Blood metaphor also to symbolize the ties of the greater Strigoi Vii Family. We are not wanna-bes, seduced by the Glamour of fiction and Hollywood, who consume physical blood. To satisfy Our spiritual hunger We know other more refined and higher forms of feeding, which We find much more efficient, and which sustain Our Mysteries. This creates a clear avoidance of legal liabilities and health risks such as blood-borne diseases including Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, etc. Strigoi Vii simply cannot tolerate blood drinking as We, Living Vampyres, do not drink physical human blood for the purpose of experiencing Our Mysteries and fueling Zhep’r.
We must honor the need for minors to establish a skeptical, objective, and rational Dayside foundation before exploring and embracing the Nightside. Those who have not reached the age of majority (eighteen in the United States) must not be permitted or encouraged to explore Our Mysteries, participate in ritual, or enter Our Sanctums under any conditions. Thus no minor shall ever be involved in Strigoi Vii, either privately or publicly, until they come of age.
The Current of Elorath is the “Blood” which is the signature of those of Our Family. The collective duty of all Strigoi Vii is the Quest, which is Our collective duty. We must search out those lost souls with Strigoi Vii potential who are not yet aware of Our Family. However, never force a potential to follow Our way, as Vampyres are not rebels, nor are We mindless followers. Always use one of the proven tools of supporting the Quest as to not degrade Our Mysteries. Give the Seeker the hint and let them feel the Calling and come if and when they are ready. Never support or join an organization that opposes the Family Mysteries. Never enter into debates with mundanes or try and convert them or see Our ways, as it is in conflict with the Glamour and a waste of time and energy. Betraying the Quest is not only betraying the Family, it is betraying yourself.