Black Soul
Come into my Black soul, some might say...
But what is Black? There are so many different colors,
So many different beautiful arrays of colors.
How can one be so ignorant.
The Native American has lost his nation.
The Native American has lost his land.
What do we have left?
The Black man has been through many pains;
He has seen the white-clothed man in his dreams.
Could he be Black or White?
Does it really matter, for humankind is one race.
Read between the lines baby...
Racism is dangerous in the minds of educated people.
But in the end, they are the fools.
The conception of racism is through the teachings of ignorant man
What have we left?
Is it all worth it in the end?
For one to understand the confused world
would be a miracle beyond miracles.
Enduring pain and suffering makes us stronger.
Living and seeing evil around us makes us vulnerable.
But the one thing to override is the obsession with revenge.
If we cannot get along as one on this Earth,
How can it be possible for us to get along in the Spirit World?
Remove Us Once Again
What has become of the word respect?
Is there none left today?
Is there nothing you would honor?
If we were digging up your cemetary, What would you say?
These bones of old may mean nothing to you.
But herein resides our ancestors.
Resting in these most sacred sites.
We are here as their protectors.
You say these roads and stores are progress.
But it is not thru your cemetary you cross.
Your people lie in complete rest.
Ours is not your loss.
You have driven us from our lands before.
This we knew would be.
Can we not finally be at peace?
Is there nothing Holy you can see?
Look into your hearts this day.
And all the others to come.
What will you see within?
What are you to become?
This greed of man is an evil thing.
But seems to rule your heart.
Its never too late to make a change.
Now's the time to start.
Stop the destruction of our people, our lands.
Stop and close this door of sin.
Let us all gather to pray.
It is time for a new day to begin.
Have you not seen within yourselves.
The destruction you have wrought.
Only in the name of progress.
For roads to be made and gee gaws can be bought?
Our people wish only to live in peace.
And honor how we were taught.
To show respect for all things.
Its so little the things we've sought.
There's been enough of hate and greed.
New seeds must now be planted.
But through these deeds like this you do.
Taking this thing called progress for granted.
We gave and gave and had more stolen.
Just to please this greed.
But now is the time to take a stand.
And respect us in our need.
These sites to us are still most Holy.
And these bones that lie within.
Show the respect you would like returned.
Let the healing begin.
The road we have traveled has often been hard.
Your progress making it even more so.
Remove us once again?
We are saying, "NO!"