Deidara's Journal


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Deidara love story

21:25 Mar 14 2008
Times Read: 574

The car came to a halt and I stepped out. I was wearing a black jacket with the new likin park symbol on the chest. I was wearing some baggy blue jeans with black tennis shoes. A chime came from the bell on the dark blue cat collar around my neck. I had a Zune in my pocket with earphones in my ears listening to 'Bodies' by drowning pool. My bag rested at my side with what little stuff I had.

"Your Choice." My sister said from the car before driving off

I sighed loudly as I walked off to find my room in this placed called Akatsuki Lair. I walked to the girls dorm not paying attention to the looks I was given. Once I found my room I pulled out my key unlocking the door and walking in.I saw a girl there with blue hair and a paper flower in it. She turned her gaze to me and had a surprised look.

"You must be my roommate."

I nodded my head before sitting my things on my bed.

"I'm Konan and you are?"


I opened my bag and put my things away.

"so you're not very talktive?"

"I'm not really good with new people." I laughed slightly

I finished quickly then thought about wandering around.

"Excuse me please." I said before taking my leave

I had my skectpad and pencil at hand. I went outside and made my way over to a small tree but it still had shade. My people were around hanging out with people they have made friends with. Me on the other hand didn't have anyone I could call a friend yet.

I took a seat under the tree before starting on a new picture in my notebook. I drew a rather large explosion something I like to do. Once finished I wrote 'Art is a Bang' on the top, a prash I rather liked.

"So you think art is a bang yeah?"

I jumped shocked by the voice that was so close I could feel their breath. I fell over somewhat before looking at the boy sitting next to where I was laughing.

I looked at him closely taking in his looks. He had long blond hair pulled up into a high ponytail with some hanging in his face covering his left eye. The eye that was showing was a beautiful blue. He wore a t-shirt with an explosion on it with the words 'Boom' on it and with a pair of blue jeans.

I gazed at him in shock as he laughed.

"Are you gonna answer me or just stare un?"

I shook my head and quickly gained my composer.


"Guess you're new here un."

I nodded my head slightly answering his question.

"My name's Deidara un."

"My name's Ari."

We sat there as a slight breeze blew. I took my skectpad back and started drawing again. This time I started to draw a twin-tailed kitten.

"So what's your thoughts on art un?"

"Well I think art should only last for an instant so you will always remember."

He smirked at my answer

"I was thinking of making a fire on the roof tonight. Would you like to join me yeah?"

I nodded my head with a smile on my lips.

"Well I'll see you later right now I better head back to my dorm." I told him happily before taking me leave

I made it back to my room where I saw konan finshing her unpacking.

"Oh hi Ari-chan, did you meet anyone you think is hot?" She questioned with a smirk

"Well I did meet someone and he was..." I froze thinking about what I was about to say

"Aww who?"

"Deidara." I said rather quiet

"DEIDARA!!?" She yelled out surprised

I stood there stunned, was there something wrong with him?

"So you think Deidara's hot?"

Umm I never said that." I said in defense

Her smile on her lips only grew in size.

"Deidara is one of my friends."

My eyes grew in fear.

"Oh please don't tell him please." I pled

"I won't." She laughed slightly "Well how about I show you all my friends?"


She took the upper part of my arm and lead me outside. She lead me to a huge tree where 9 guys were sitting at. I glanced at each of them.

(only in normal clothes)

"Guys this is Ari. Ari, this is Pein, Itachi, Kisame, Tobi, Sasori, Deidara, Zetsu, Kakuzu, and Hidan."

I bowed at them.

"Nice to meet you all."

I saw Deidara and walked over to him taking a seat.

"You just can't stay away from un."

"Don't plesure yourself."

"Deidara-sempai Tobi wants to talk to the pretty girl." A boy with an orange mask whined

"Go away tobi yeah!" Deidara yelled kicking the poor guy


Night came quickly as I sat on the roof watching the bright flames. Tobi tagged along. Deidara wanted to burn him but I wouldn't let him. I was lost in the flames.


I jumped to see Tobi yelled in my ear


"Ari-chan you seem out of it un."

"Oh it's nothing just thinking about all that's happened today."

I reassured them

"Ari-chan happy?"

I nodded my head at the hyper boy

"I guess I am."



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