I have been away for a while due to a change in location, but as you can see the first thing to be unpacked is the computer, so I have returned.
Although I am very busy due to some writing I must finish and some work on the Production Company with my cousin, I will be on as much as possible.
But for those interested I will be posting a little glimpse of the two pieces that Im working on now in the next little bit... stay tuned : )
anyway gotta go enjoy.
I can't help but to stare... as she sleeps she looks so peaceful, how I wish I could lay with her, my arm around her pulling her in close... to feel her, smell her, be with her...
I sit and watch every breath, almost like she's not really breathing, georgeous... her sjin so soft, her hair falling accross her face covering it just enough...
And then she smiles... lord how my heart jumps, even though I know shes not thinking of me, I cant help but think... wish... hope it is... I want to be the one to make her happy...
And how the little bits of light make their way throughthe blinds and give her an ambience like an angel, as if she were a portrait drawn by God himself and he wanted all to see how perfect she is...
Its like a dream the fact that she is actually in my bed... my pillow supporting her slender neck, my comforter covering her body, how I wish I could just remove the blanket, and explore her... discover every line, every curve...
so amazing, so perfect, so beautiful....
Delving deep into your heart, discovering truths, painting visions, within these lines of you.
Just my way of saying, that's really nice.
Aiight as I was saying...
Isn't it funny that everyone is non-conforming in the exact same way...
For example you have the goths, you have the hoodlums, you have the preppy kids... now all these people think they are "rebeling" against conforming to what others think they should be... but in reality they are conforming to what people think is the way to be non-conforming... strange I know... I'll wait a second before continuing to make sure people are on the same page........
O.K. not only are people conforming to a non-conformist ideal, but who is creating this ideal???
thats right the same people that they're trying to turn away from, media, society and adults, are the most common... "pyrocants" that lead to people changing to become non-conformant.
Trying their best to make sure they aren't what someone wants them to be... it's an illusion of power.
Me personally, I work hard, I pay my taxes, and I listen to my elders... someone out there I know is thinking.. wow your a rebel now... but what is a rebel?
someone with a reason... My ideals and Beliefs are my own and they are not influenced by outside forces... I am me.
I believe in using the more primal side of yourself, which is why my emotions are very strong and very... unmistakeable.
I also take alot of my own morals from older times. something that I have recieved alot of... talking to about.
Anyways... I dunno if this make sense to anyone else... maybe if I come back later I can write some more... we'll see.