I was the first of my kind, born perfect but different. My parents knew this, so they kept it a secret, but as I grew older, my lust for blood was insatiable. Their love for me made them do what no parents should, knowing we would be hunted down and killed, they made the only choice possible, and one night, they instructed me in the best way to survive, they forced me to leave my Clan, alone, and to go into exile until I grew stronger. Strong enough so no one could be a threat to me, and they told me to never come back. I understand now, there was no other way for me and for my parents to survive. After spending many decades in exile, I felt I was now strong enough to venture out into the unknown, I wanted to see the world. Centuries passed, and I visited many places and I met many people, never revealing to anyone my darkest secret. It has now been over 6.000 years, and I still roam from place to place, never staying for too long.
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