DeathSlinger's Journal


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5 entries this month


04:50 Jul 14 2014
Times Read: 350

Today has been a good day.

Last night, I cracked up the moonshine I've held on to for 2 years now. Took about a good 3-4 swigs of it and was in that "feeling good" mood. lol

Started off with tons of messages wishing me a happy birthday. Friends and family alike. Gotta love em. :)

Took a few items up to gamestop and got store credit for them. Picked up a couple of games. I've already beaten them. But, it's fun to replay them every once in a while.

Stopped by my friends house and took a shot of liquor with him to celebrate my birthday. Gotta love surprise visits to friends houses when they have alcohol near by. lol

Went to another friends house and hung out with her and her grandma. A friend of theirs showed up and I drank some alcohol with him since he found out it was my birthday. My friend chased me around the house with ice and cold water. Saldy, I won that battle when I shoved ice down her shirt and pants. lol. She tried to return the favor. But, sadly, I do not like ice down my pants. lol.

Came home, dropped off the rest of the moonshine to a neighbor. And now watching TV.

So, yeah, I've had more fun today than I've had in years.




17:09 Jul 12 2014
Times Read: 364

Everyone fears something. Whether it be spiders, bugs, Death, being alone, etc. etc. We all fear something in our life. A few on this site will sit there and say "I don't fear anything." That's a lie. If you are laying in your death bed and have only moments left to live, you would fear of dying.

The only thing I fear of is death. Why? Because I don't know what's on the other side. Could be total blackness, could be paradise (as the Bible says), could be reincarnation, could be my soul being transported into a living being. Anything is possible.

Alot of people on here fear of being alone. Like they are going to die alone with no one to be by their bed side. I, for one, don't care if I die alone or with 500 people gathered by my bed side. Once I finally cross over to the other side, I will be forgotten about anyways except a grave marker with my name on it. Nothing more, nothing less.

But, what I will make is a last impression to others that people can change. That we don't follow down a straight road all the time. That many people can change. Yeah, there is no way of changing the narrow minded fools. But, there is others that we can show and tell that we can change.

And if we cannot show the close minded fools that we have changed, then that is on them. We can lead a jackass to water. But, we cannot make him drink.




05:17 Jul 07 2014
Times Read: 391

We must stand together. Instead of fighting one another. Including over non-sense and bullshit. We should at least try to get along. This site is a gathering place of like minded people. A common interest in of all brought us to this site. Whether it be meeting new people, learning about the supernatural beings of vampires and such, or just to express ourselves. Something has brought someone to this site for a reason. For me, it is to meet new people and build friendships. Nothing more. Nothing less.

There is always going to be a bad apple in the bunch to destroy it. But, the best thing to do is ignore them. Once you do that, they will move on. Standing up to them is another option. But, it makes you feed into their bullshit. It might add fuel to the fire.

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04:14 Jul 07 2014
Times Read: 398

In many of my friends eyes, I'm a great person with a big heart to give. I would give the shirt off my back if needed. If a friend needs a place to crash for the night, the door opens for them. I would rather see a friend pass out on the couch drunk as a skunk than to see them driving. Hell, for that matter, I would hide the keys from them.

I'm more of a giver than a receiver. For example, I had a yard sale Saturday. And there is alot of stuff left over. So, I bagged up the remaining items and took them down to the Haven of Rest. The Haven of Rest is a Christian place that helps out the homeless. Much like the Salvation Army does. It wasn't because that it was sold. It was because that the homeless needed it more than keeping it in a storage building and gaining dust.

People has called me many insulting names. Everything in the book including a white man. But, I blow it off. I've fed into their name calling game a few times. But, I come to the conclusion that they are going through a rough patch in their life. So, they have to down someone. I don't hate because I've done the same. I mainly laugh it off.

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This fits many people on here.



04:21 Jul 07 2014

The best revenge in life is to live your life well and to the fullest


13:34 Jul 06 2014
Times Read: 428

Let's get a few things straight. We are the human race. We are not perfect. But, we learn. And we learn from our mistakes. We are going to have the haters, the nay-sayers, the egotists who won't or ever will look outside of that box. I don't claim to be perfect. I don't want to be perfect. I heard that's a hard ass job.

But, I have made many mistakes in my life. I manned up, owned up to them, ask for forgiveness for them and I don't look at them anymore. I don't look at my past. Why? Because I don't live there anymore. I look forward to what the future brings me. And, everyday, the future brings me a new road to travel down and explore.

I didn't come here in this life to want to make everyone happy. Because I know down the road, people are gonna get pissed any which way. It's inevitable.

I've had my fair share of fun in my life. And I've had my downfalls. Through all the trials and tribulations, I've became a better person.

I love how my life has turned out. Yes, it was a up-hill battle through many things. But, I've over-came that obstacle.

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This fits alot of people on here.



13:39 Jul 06 2014


16:35 Jul 06 2014

So true. People were constantly asking my mom about my brother who everyone knew didn't bother with our family. Why keep bringing up the hurt?

17:17 Jul 06 2014

Very well said!

20:09 Jul 14 2014

im with u brother amen

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