So what if my lovelife still is a mess or I have to work hard just to manage the simplest task, to be normal. The thing is.. everything seems to start paying off.
I've been promiesed a full time job, an awsome horse (pics in the portfolio ;D) and I've got great support form my family and friends, at lest when I can find strength to see them.
Maybe life just seems to be worth a heck of a lot more when everything starts falling to place. All those moments of panic, tears and dispaire was not for nothing.
Timmy just shines trough it all and somethimes... I can acually se the world in color - not just a spash of grey shades - but my angels still keeps sparkeling and makes the world a litle bit easier to live in.
I love you, my dearest sister!
19:44 Aug 07 2009
Yes, life can throw us around so much that we bruise and
get bumped up for a while and then things to start
as you said fall into place, like giving us some room
to breathe. Yes, the angels, they are always there,
watching, protecting, we just have to be aware...
I wish you the best with the good things that
are coming in your life, and the strength for
the harder times:)