Ever find it amazing how someone can be so oblivious to the pain and suffering of others, particularly in romantic relationship. It seems so blatantly obvious sometimes who’s chasing who. So often, one person emotionally peeks out far too soon and ends up in the “Serious Zone”. Premature entrance into the “Serious Zone” can create more problems in a relationship than premature ejaculation. It’s serious, thus the name Serious Zone.
The first thing that happens when one parter hits the “Serious Zone” to soon, is they get all serious. Things that once were cool, are no longer cool. Their list of unacceptable nearly doubles overnight. Things that used to make them laugh now makes them mad. That’s when the person who hasn’t had an emotional leap starts thinking (“WTF”) What is your problem? or maybe something like why are you so sensitive now? Ever been there?
Staying on course with our “Love TalKs”, lets say that one persons love grew unexpectedly fast. Now they are having a difficult time maintaining a sense of stability. This is only because they couldn’t manage the surge of love that they experienced. When someone feels out of control they will try to control others.
Wether you are the person feeling hurt or the one being accused of doing the hurting, remember this. The problem might not be as bad as it seems, if you can see it from a love perspective. Your partner is more in love than they expected and they need a little support in dealing with there new feelings.
If this doesn’t work for you then create something that does and make sure that its based n love, not fear. Love don’t hurt when your giving it, well maybe just a little. Love hurts when we don’t get it. So remember this every time your not loving someone, your hurting someone.
Stop worrying about receiving love and focus on giving love and you will get love
16:19 Sep 04 2014
That was the best explanation on relationships that I have every read. It is so true. This may sound off, but some of us have high expectations in life and we want all or none, but what we lack is the reality that loving ourselves and working on bringing out the best in ourselves for our on self worth is need also. Excercising, healthy eating, meditation and things of that nature. I believe that people are easy to enjoy something if it is worth enjoying, whether it is the day or a person. So the time that one my take rushing into a relationship could rather be spent getting to really understaning their mate. Something that took me a while, but, that bit of selfishness has given the I really argee with everything you wrote.